UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Mobility Challenges of a Border Population in the Celebes Sea

The Information of Historical Trade of The Talaud Island Indonesia in International Trade Routes in the Context of the ASEAN Economic Community
maria heny pratiknjo, steven sumolang, Jetty E. T. Mawara

New Developmentalism in Indonesia: Where is the Marginal?

Social Accountability in New Developmental State: The Role of Marginals in Village Governance
Muhammad Syukri

The Dynamics and Challenges of Indigenous People in Recognizing Customary Forest

The Significance and Limit of Adat Territory Recognition in Addressing the Problem of Rural Agrarian Crises: Insights from Kasepuhan Karang in Banten, Indonesia
Mohamad Shohibuddin, Eko Cahyono, Habibur Rachman, Fajar Ahsani, Sakinah Tunufus
Incommensurability of Community Based Ecosytem Revitalization: Continuity and Change of Social and Justice Values in Orang Petalangan at Gondai Village in Pelalawan Riau
Tanti Budi Suryani

Berkah dan Kutukan: Retelling Environmental Narratives in Indonesia

Negotiating environmental burden? Rural-urban interface perspective on the forest ecosystem restoration project in West Java and Lombok, Indonesia
Sundjaya Sundjaya, Syarifudin Syarifudin
“Good for whom?” Understanding of forest management and local people's struggles to gain access to land in conservation areas. Case: Mount Halimun Salak National Park Corridor, West Java
-Sulastri Sardjo
Mudflow Disaster and Colonized Sediments: Fractal Memory, Colonial Mutation, and the Making of the Londo Blangkon State
Fathun Karib Satrio

Experiencing Crises and Life Itself: Knowledge, Metaphors, and Actions in the Multiplicity of Crises

Living in the Ruins of the Capitalocene: Lapindo Mudflow Disaster, Climate Change from Below, and Systemic Denialism
Fathun Karib Satrio

Plastics Production, Use and Waste: Burning Issues for Anthropology

5 R (Ratulangi, Rakurangi, Rapake Panjili, Raolah Panjili, Ratukara, Ratolak): Plastic Waste Reduction Movement in Central Sulawesi (Challenges faced by residents and mobility planners)
yulianti bakari, Hasrinando Saputra L
Concepts, Perceptions, and Daily Activities for Handling Plastic Waste on the Jakarta Bay Coast (Case Study of Jakarta Bay Coastal Communities in Kamal Muara, North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta)
Widya Safitri

Pursuit of Leisure: Reflections, Activities and Meaning of Leisure during Pandemic Covid-19

Economic Subjectivity and Symmetrical of Economy in Badminton Bubble System, The Pursuit of Leisure
Dina Amalia Susamto

Religion and Global Issues

Forgotten Sri: Ritual Model Of Fertility Of Sundanese Local Community At Kasepuhan Banten Kidul
Ary Sulistyo, Mohamad Maulana Magiman
Coronavirus and Religious Crisis Management: A Brief Religious Reflection of the Protestant Church of Maluku (GPM)
Steve Gerardo Christoffel Gaspersz, Nancy Novitra Souisa

Contested Values, Socio-Natural Rearrangement, and Infrastructural Development in The Time of Crisis

Neoliberalism and the ambiguity of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
Iwan Pirous, Syarifudin Syarifudin
Disastrous Environment-Making: Lapindo Mudflow Disaster, Disaster Mega Projects and Corporation-State-Science as Nexus of Geological Forces
Fathun Karib Satrio
Questioning "Kemajuan": Local-Global Values in Development Discourse Trajectories in North Kendeng, Central Java
Mokh Sobirin

Socio-cultural Foundations and Challenges of Peaceful Dialogue in Papua

Etnisitas dan Demokrasi di Tanah Papua: Politik Baku Atur
A Sudiana Sasmita

Oral Tradition Responding to Multicrises

An Effort to Interpret Ngalemar in Sacred Rituals to the Kanekes Indigenous People
Endin Saparudin

Coastal and Marine Grabbing in Indonesia and Beyond

Marine, Coastal and Small Islands Agrarian Reform Movement as Policy Innovation for Conflict Resolution in Coastal Areas and Small Islands
Ari Wibowo, Pande Made Kutanegara, Agustinus Subarsono
Planned ocean Grabbing in Indonesia: Study on reclamation and sea sand mining projects in 26 Provincial Regulations for Zoning Coastal Areas and Small Islands
Parid Ridwanuddin, Fikerman Saragih
ForBALI: Understanding the actors, strategies, and the dynamics of a resistance movement against coastal grabbing in Bali
Slamet Subekti, Singgih Tri Sulistiyono, Dedi Supriadi Adhuri

Addressing Gender Inequalities and Social Exclusion Problems through Approaches of GEDSI

Pinky Saptandari

Anthropology Dealing with Multiple Health Crisis: The Use of (Traditional) Alcohol Beverages

Facing Pandemic Crisis: Local Alcohol and its Usefulness During Covid-19 in North Sulawesi and Gorontalo (Local Perspectives and Mass Media Reports)
Nono S. A. Sumampouw
Cap Tikus, Health Drink among the Minahasa People
Heny Pratiknjo, Steven Sumolang
Tuwak as Wellness Drink in the Dynamics of Tubanese People
Pinky Saptandari, Rizkie Nurindiani
Environmental Change, Economic and Health Crisis, and the National Roles of Anthropologists in Increasing Communities' Living Sustainability: the Case of Nira Traditional Beverage.
Meutia Hatta Swasono, Dea Rifia Bella

Agrarian Aspects of the Pealand, a Challenge to the Agrarian System in Indonesia

Peat areas, aquaculture, and transmigrant in Pasangkayu regency, West Sulawesi
Hilma Safitri, Andi Mappatunru
Socio-economic Dynamics of Transmigrants and Dayak Communities on the Peatland Areas in Malinau, North Kalimantan
A Syatori, Siti Latifah
Tilling the Peatland: The Transition of Coastal Community Towards Land-based Accumulation in Bakongan, South Aceh
Muhammad Syafiq, Quadi Azam
Agrarian Structure Change and Rural Communities Resilience Around the Peatland Conservation Area in Central Mahakam, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Bayu Eka Yulian, Toni Nurhadi Kumayza, Saparwadi Saparwadi
Social Resilience and Agrarian Relation in Peatlands Rural
Hilma Safitri, Myrna A Safitri
The future of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Tanjung Api Api in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra and the Impact on Communities and Sembilang National Park
Dewi Dwi Puspitasari Sutejo

Collaboration to Bridge Gaps between Academic and Applied Anthropology: Where are We Now? And, Where are We Heading to?

Change without Ideology, the Stereotyping of the Social Science
Widjajanti M. Santoso

Cultural Resilience and ke-Indonesiaan in the Border Communities

Eha, the Persistent Tradition of Natural Resource Management in the Talaud Islands in the Indonesia-Philippines Border Area
Steven Sumolang
Ratumbanua Customary Institution, Encouraging Community Participation in Village Development in the Indonesian Border Region, Study in Bulude Village, Kabaruan Island, Talaud . Regency
stefanus sampe
Ratumbanua as a strategic institution in cultural resilience and Indonesian identity in the Talaud border area
stefanus sampe, Neni Kumayas