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Peat areas, aquaculture, and transmigrant in Pasangkayu regency, West Sulawesi
Last modified: 2022-06-06
This article observes historical evidence of how peatlands in West Sulawesi have been no longer maintained as its function. The two Peatland Hydrological Unit or KHGs in Sulawesi are not the main target of Board of Peatlands and Mangrove Restoration (BRGM) works. The KHG with the dynamic of agrarian relation over the peatlands involves trans-migrant groups, the commuter people from Pinrang, and the dynamic between them might be explained through a case in Tikke sub-district that those are linked each other. Currently, the KHG areas are still there with various and different utility. On the areas, which are given concession to estate companies, the area has been succeeded to be managed as productive oil palm plantation, while the rest that controlled by local people has been used for fishponds. The origin idea, the land in entire KHG in Tikke sub-district was dedicated to people included in 1980s transmigration program and it was assumed could be change into a huge paddy field area. It would be a source of foods sources for all over West Sulawesi province. Nevertheless, the transmigration program and participants had been only a tool to open the peatlands and others use it due to they could not handle a flood experienced that caused by oil palm estate development over the peatlands in uplands. The competition between the economic needs of the community, which is supported by the very high economic value of peatlands, accelerates changes in the condition of peatlands in West Sulawesi.
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