Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Incommensurability of Community Based Ecosytem Revitalization: Continuity and Change of Social and Justice Values in Orang Petalangan at Gondai Village in Pelalawan Riau
Tanti Budi Suryani

Last modified: 2022-06-07


This paper will explore about etnography of the dynamic and consequences of social values of community based Teso Nilo Ecosystem Revitalization (RETN) which are not considered conmensurate based on dominan exchange value created by monoculture of palm oil of Orang Petalangan at Gondai Village Pelalawan Riau in the past two decades. The application of (in)commensurability in the study of community based ecosystem revitalization reflect the challenge of value creation that require building the social value schemes that have an 'immediate return" from community's point of view.

Keyword: Orang Petalangan, RETN, social forestry, social and justice value, incommensurability

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