Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Concepts, Perceptions, and Daily Activities for Handling Plastic Waste on the Jakarta Bay Coast (Case Study of Jakarta Bay Coastal Communities in Kamal Muara, North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta)
Widya Safitri

Last modified: 2022-06-06


Nurlaili1, Widya Safitri2, Ayu Novelisa3, Coriza Irhamna4

1 Researcher from the Center for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Socio-Economic Research, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, email: lelykesa_antrop@yahoo.com

2 Researchers from the National Research and Innovation Agency, email: widya1fitri@gmail.com

3 Universitas Indonesia, email: novelisa.ayu@gmail.com

4 Researchers, email: icoriza@gmail.com



The problem of plastic waste is an important focus of study because plastic waste contributes 15% to the total national waste production and is the second largest contributor after organic waste. National waste production shows an increasing trend in line with economic growth and an increase in population. Indonesia is the second country that produces plastic waste dumped into the sea, after China with 0.52 kg of waste/person/day or the equivalent of 3.22 MMT/year. This paper aims to provide an overview of the concepts, perceptions and daily activities of coastal communities related to plastic waste. The case study taken is the Jakarta Bay coastal community in Kamal Muara, North Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. The coast of Jakarta Bay is downstream of 13 rivers originating not only from Jakarta, but also from Bogor, Puncak and Cianjur (Bopunjur), so that plastic waste that flows through 13 rivers can end up on the coast of Jakarta Bay which is a living space for coastal communities and becomes attractive for people to live in. study it. Research in Kamal Muara has been carried out from 2009 to 2022 (currently). The research method used is the ethnographic method which aims to provide a comprehensive picture of waste management and problems on the coast with the aim of contributing to the completion of the current handling of plastic waste. The results showed that the Jakarta Bay coast is one of the settlements where there are piles of plastic waste along the settlement. The concept of waste, which is waste that can interfere with the aesthetics of settlements, is in fact a daily scene in settlements where people are very dependent on the marine and fishery economy. For coastal communities, the concept of plastic waste can be divided into two, firstly plastic waste in the form of bottles and other containers, secondly plastic waste in the form of non-bottles and containers. Public perception about plastic waste is that plastic waste is waste that can be used as material to earn money by reselling it. The daily handling of plastic waste can be seen from the availability of shelters in the form of sacks or blanks in front of the house. The sacks or blanks are separated between organic waste and plastic waste in the form of bottles and other plastic containers. The organic and non-plastic waste is usually picked up by the cleaners every two days. Plastic waste in bottles and other containers is managed in two ways, the first is taken by direct buyers and the second is delivered to the shelter where the plastic waste is purchased. The method of purchasing the plastic waste is by weighing it at a price of Rp. 2000.00 per kilogram. In reality, not everyone in the coastal community in Kamal Muara treats plastic waste the same way. This is a challenge in the management of plastic waste on the coast of Jakarta Bay because plastic waste causes problems not for humans but also for ecosystems and disturbances only for living things in the sea.


Keywords : Plastic waste, concept, perception, management, Jakarta bay coast, Kamal Muara, DKI Jakarta

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