UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

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Health and Medicine Studies

Physiotherapy Management for Motor Delayed due to Global Delayed Development because of Febrile Convulsion In Army Central Hospital Gatot Soebroto
Ardhiana Dwika Adwinda, Nimas Nilam Cahya, Anissa Kartini Putri
The effects of functional mobility training and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation pattern in the water on Guillain Barre Syndrome patient
Resya Nur Aulia
Resya Nur Aulia

Communication and Media Studies

Revolutionary Branding For Vocational Education With The Implementation of Integrated Marketing Communication
Shinta Angriyana Putri Alifah
Revolutionary Branding for Vocational Studies in Indonesia with Integrated Marketing Communications
Shinta & Rasyiqa Angriyana, Tharifa