Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Business Meeting of Vocational Higher Education 2016

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Physiotherapy Management for Motor Delayed due to Global Delayed Development because of Febrile Convulsion In Army Central Hospital Gatot Soebroto
Ardhiana Dwika Adwinda, Nimas Nilam Cahya, Anissa Kartini Putri

Last modified: 2016-10-19


Neuro Development Treatment (NDT) is one of the most methods which is used for the treatment of children with delayed motoric related to Global Delayed Development (GDD) who are referred to physiotherapist.  GDD can caused by many etiologies, one of those etiology is seizure. In this study the authors was used NDT combine with AFR and play therapy. The method was used were interview and spesific observation to a male patient with age 1 year 11 months that were diagnosed global delayed development because of febrile convulsion. , therapist applied NDT-Bobath technique, Functional Activity Recreation, and Play Therapy for the treatment. The treatment was given for 2 times a week with 50 minute treatment time each session during 1 month. The result of this study showed that NDT combine with AFR and play therapy can increase child ability in gross motor but, there is no significant change of the functional of playing from play therapy.

Keyword: physiotherapy, Global Delay Development, NDT