Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Business Meeting of Vocational Higher Education 2016

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Revolutionary Branding for Vocational Studies in Indonesia with Integrated Marketing Communications
Shinta & Rasyiqa Angriyana, Tharifa

Last modified: 2016-10-28


“Vocational studies is a kind of higher education with diploma degree (D3 & D4 in

Indonesia). The graduates are purposed to know about working ability as the human

resources on the industry, government or private institution, or also being an entrepreneur”

As quoted from www.vokasi.ui.ac.id

In this globalization era, professionalism is a thing that required by the working

industry. In Indonesia, there are a lot of higher academic institution that provides great

education, fast way to graduate and the other things that people could think that they can

change their life for a better purpose. Many people, especially parents who wants their

children to get a good and higher education think that vocational studies is just a studies who

get a diploma degree and takes more time to catch a bachelor or master degree. And in our

country most of corporate or industry are also think that if a person have more degree, they

could work with a high position. Whereas, high position with no great expertise is nothing.

Different thing happens in another country. There are a lot of vocational studies who

already approved by the industries. Even in Australia, they have a vocational scholarship for

the international and local students, provides their academic and living cost, named The

Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET). There are many college that have

vocational studies as well as bachelor or the another academic degree. Higher education also

guaranteed, they got many levels that equals bachelor and master degree. Means that the

government and industry are already know about the quality of vocational studies.

From all those above, there are a lot of vocational network internationally. And

Indonesia got so many potency that could make vocational studies getting bigger and

approved by the industries. Why don’t we make something connected? It could be more

easier if we can learn from the another country or even cooperate with them. If we want to

get an awareness, the first thing we have to do is have a brand. Our brand, which named

“vocational” have to be known by many people around us. So we could build a trust between

people. In Public Relations, there are a lot of things that we can do to make a brand and get

the awareness. By using Integrated Marketing Communication tools, it could be more easier.

Using the IMC tools is nothing with creativity. An industry needs creativity to compete

another industry. For the simple example, if we see a flyer with a boring visualization, we

also don’t want to see it, or even take it, so does our brand. Another IMC tools is making an

event, which will attract people to come and will give an experience. An international event

is very suggested to attract many people who not just only the target segmentation of

vocational studies, but for all people who can change their thoughts about our Brand. And

also many other tools of Integrated Marketing Communication.

The conclusion is, There are so many problems about how people see about

vocational, and career after vocational students graduated. But there are also many tools that

we can use for make it solved (event, social media, brochure, company profile, website) or

anything else. If we make those tools work efficiently, our brand which is Vocational Studies

will achieve the brand awareness that can used by many things: attract new students,

awareness about the vocational to segmentations, people, or even by internationally.