Digital technologies are now commonplace in almost every aspect of society and global region. After a lot of discussions on the industrial revolution 4.0., the world now concerns on how digital technologies can support sustainability management as digitalization bears consequences for transparency and accountability that open up entirely new ways to shape, monitor, communicate, and govern sustainability. Along with the many benefits, digital technologies present a variety of challenges and interlinking risks for both people and the natural environment, therefore the issue of digitalization and sustainable development are both megatrends which impose major transitions on our world.
Digitalization has potential to help achieve sustainability of the planetary and human system as Information and Communication Technology and Big Data turn societal complexity strongly connected. Changing resource consumption in the industrial level and digital transformation can be shaped to ensure it supports transitions towards more sustainable societies. Given its transformative nature, sustainability is expected to adapt to the new possibilities and perils of the digital age and digitalization is the driver that can change sustainability. There is a need to governance of sustainability in a digitalized environment to be a central concern for policy makers.
Integrating digitalization and sustainability into TVET becomes very crucial in order to ensure that workers develop sustainability skills necessary to carry on sustainable practices. Integrating sustainability into educational and training programs is multidimensional and takes on a wide range of approaches leading to a variety of perspectives within the Sustainable Development as immediate practical relevance. ICT brings both challenges and opportunities to TVET while Digital technologies have changed how organization works, creating new jobs and replacing others. For workers, this means reskilling themselves in order to thrive in a high tech working environment. The governance of sustainability in a digitalized environment must be addressed in TVET as a central concern since we need a digital global participatory platform on making use of ICT that can help promote human well-being, increase sustainability, promote fairness, increase resilience and reduce damages and improve opportunities for economic, political, and social participation.
The 5th ICVHE 2020 intends to get insights on how can TVET utilize digital technology help achieve the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals in the years to come. TVET researchers and policy makers must identify the impact of the digital transformation on economic, social and environmental development and explores options for action to ensure that socio-technical transformation processes foster sustainable development and social justice. As an interdisciplinary approach, the 5th ICVHE 2020 will approach these issues from a technical, economic, social, and environmental science perspective that actively involve stakeholders from the field especially from the perspective of TVET as pillar to national development.
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