The 5th International Conference of Vocational Higher Education
August 11, 2020 – August 12, 2020
Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is steadily gaining popularity at global level and becoming government priorities for education and national development agendas as it contributes major supplier of labor and human capital. TVET system needs sustained transformation and revitalization to impact development. TVET now is a global, regional and local initiative especially in meeting labor market demand in 21 centuries.
In Asia Pacific, TVET is viewed as a tool for productivity enhancement and poverty reduction, as there is a strong correlation between the proportion of vocational education students and per capita income. In ASEAN level, vocational education is considered as a fundamental instrument to achieve highly integrated and cohesive economy, enhanced connectivity and cross-sector cooperation within the region. Vocational Education and Training also represents the evolution of a dynamic, competitive and innovative of ASEAN.
In Indonesia, President Joko Widodo in his second leadership has prioritized the importance of human capital development with an emphasis on vocational education and training to achieve superior human capital. The intention is to prepare Indonesia to be able to utilize demographic surplus in order to reach the advanced Indonesia. His controversial strategies to reach the vision is by placing millennials and influential business players in the key positions, which is aimed to pursuing creativity and playing important role in digital economy.

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