3rd International Symposium on Current Progress in Functional Materials
The Margo Hotel
August 8, 2018 – August 9, 2018
The 3rd ISCPFM 2018 intends for bringing together the scientific and technicalcommunities to share their knowledge base on recent trends in processing,characterization and application of functional materials. Theoretical and computationalmodeling research to explain the characteristics and experimental results of functionalmaterials are also very welcome. Plenary and classroom sessions will stimulateinteraction between scientists. Keynote and invited speakers who are experts in theirrespective fields would share their experience and knowledge with young researchersand research scholars, which in turn would promote research in these areas.Information exchange and research collaboration will be promoted through stimulatingresults and engaging discussion in plenary and oral presentations, in mixer events ofsymposium participants, and other flexible interactions. Young scientists are especiallyencouraged to come.