How To Use Our System
If you want to learn more about the UI Conference Sytem, please check the documentations below..
Fast Guide Manual :
Manual In Indonesian :
Manual In English :
Topics and Subtopics
1. Research, Technology, and Social Transformation
- The role of research and technology in developed and developing economies
- Research, education, and knowledge economy
- Social exclusion in social research
- Research and knowledge in urban development
2. Governance, Welfare, and Social Development
- Development discourse, participation, and representation
- Social policy, economy, and democracy
- Knowledge sector governance and public policy decisions
- Knowledge, creative industry, and national branding
3. Ideas, Norms, and Culture in Social Transformation
- Family and parenting knowledge
- Human rights, justice, and equality
- Linguistics, oral tradition, and folklore in changing societies
- Indigenous knowledge
4. Knowledge and Gender Equality
- Social research in gender studies
- Gender equality in democracy and local development
- Women, human rights, and violence
- Women migrant workers’ protection and advocacy
5. Global Challenges and Social Transformation
- Climate change, environtment degradation, and social change
- Democratization and armed conflict management
- Free trade, globalization, and social transformation
- Substance abuse and new forms of addiction
- Ageing society, productivity and policy
6. Capital, Civil Society, and Social Transformation
- The new social structure in the global crisis
- The role of private sector and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in social transformation
- Civil society and social transformation
- Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and social transformation
7. Media, Knowledge and Social Transformation
- Social media and democracy
- Digital media and social change
- Media literacy, citizenship, and awareness
- Media openness and degree of control
When You Want To Submit Your Abstract
- Submit your abstract (250-300 words) with 5 keywords and CV to this site.
- If your abstract is selected you are welcome to submit full paper to the conference committee by the designated schedule, Selected papers will have the opportunity to be published in Asian Politics & Policy, a peer-reviewed journal, or Knowledge-E Social Science conference proceedings, indexed by Crossref., Scopus, etc.
- Applicants whose proposal is accepted, should submit full paper in 5000-10.000 words.
- Papers criteria for evaluation:
- Based on research
- Never been published anywhere else
- Original; No elements of plagiarism
- Offers contribution to knowledge production.
When You Want To Submit Full Paper
Please open your dashboard and click to Active Submission for Full Paper Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically as an attachment using MS Word or Rich Text format. They must be formatted in a 12-point font, double-spaced with 1″ margins, and page numbers. All manuscripts should include a cover sheet with the authors’ names. For manuscripts with multiple authors, please clearly indicate the corresponding author’s name and (e-mail) address. Authors and co-authors must not be identifiable in the body of the text, and the title of the manuscript should appear on the first page of the text. Footnotes, tables, figures and charts must follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). Tables, figures and charts must be numbered consecutively, clearly titled and the author must specify the position in the text, where they are to be placed. Camera-ready copy and computer files of all figures, tables and charts are required upon notification of acceptance for publication. Notes (endnotes) are not used for citation purposes, but for substantive comments. They should be identified by consecutive number in the text and grouped at the end of the text.
Abstract, Keywords, and Word Limits
All manuscripts must include an abstract containing a maximum of 150 words typed on a separate page. After the abstract, please supply up to five keywords. A two-sentence biographical description of the author(s) must also be included. In general, we are considers manuscripts from 6,000-10,000 words in length
References/Parenthetical Citation
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition) is the style guide used for citations, notes, references, and tables. Manuscripts not in proper format will be returned for correction. Authors are requested to pay particular attention to making citations in notes and references complete and accurate. As an exception to APA style, however, authors are requested to include the COMPLETE NAMES of authors in the reference list.This is to accommodate authors whose surnames are very short and common, as in many Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese names.
List references in alphabetical order. Each listed reference should be cited in text, and each text citation should be listed in the References section. References should appear on the final pages (last part) of the manuscript. Center the word “References” at the top of the page.
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Click the "Submission" menu above, or click the link below (if any)