UI Conferences


Key topics include:

●        Commodity frontiers.

●        Bandungs, Old and New.

●        Capitalocene to Proletarocene

●        The environment-making state.

●        Crises, developmental and epochal

●        Food justice and food sovereignty.

●        Superexploitation in the web of life.

●        Compradors and counter-insurgency.

●        Waste, toxification, and overpollution.

●        Cultures of imperialism and anti-imperialism.

●        Environmental histories of (anti-)imperialism

●        Debt crises, financialization, and currency wars.

●        The rise of China and the One Belt, One Road.

●        Environmental and planetary justice movements.

●        Unpaid work/energy and accumulation by appropriation.

●        Development, Developmentalism, and Green Revolutions.

●        Sustainability and the specter of green austerity, 1972-present.

●        Militarized accumulation and the political ecology of capitalism.

●        Colonization and decolonization (and so-called neo-colonization).

●        Geopolitics of North-South relations in the crisis of Cheap Nature.

●        Semi-proletarianization and the fate of peasantries in the Global South.

●        “Good Science,” empire, and the anti-politics of planetary management.

●        The structures of knowledge, the disciplines, and structures of world power.

●        Class configurations in the global south: biotarian, femitarian, and proletarian

●        Permanent war as an environment-making process and relation, north and south

●        The capitalogenic trinity: the climate class divide, climate apartheid, climate patriarchy.

●        Civilizing Projects and ruling abstractions, from Columbus to the Washington Consensus.


Steps to Record Presentation and Upload Video


After you register and pay registration fee, please follow the steps below to record presentation and upload video.

Record your talk on Zoom, following these steps:

1.) Open Zoom meeting and start it as the host.

You may have to make sure that you are signed into the same account that you used to create the Zoom meeting, to ensure that you will be the host.

2) Once Zoom is opened, but before you click “Record,” you should:

a.) Make sure your screen is maximized

b.) Make sure your own video is minimized

c.) Make sure your screen is shared

3.) Click “Record”

You may select either “Record to this computer” where your video file will automatically download to your computer when finished (the easier option), or you can choose to “Record to the Cloud,” where you will have to retrieve the file from your Zoom account (Guide here: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/205347605-Managing-and-sharingcloud-recordings


4) Once you begin your talk, please make sure your Power Point Presentation is up and ready to go. First, please introduce yourself, with your Name, Institutional Affiliation/ Position (as applicable) and Title of Your Talk. Please keep your talk to 20 mins.


5.) When your talk is finished, please click “Stop Recording.” Your video should save as an MP4 file. Please “save as” this file, and name it “Last Name WERN 2023”. This is an essential step. So, for example, Jason’s talk would be entitled Moore WERN 2023.


6.) Once your file is properly saved and named, please upload to http://conference.ui.ac.id/wern/wern2023/author as a supplementary file for your abstract. The file size should be no greater than 64MB if you record it in HD resolution (1366x768) MPEG format. After uploading, the system will take you to Supplementary File Metadata page where you can enter title, type of file, brief description, etc. The title of the metadata should be the same as the name of the file.

Please submit your talks by July 12. We encourage early submission of your talks!


Your recorded video presentation will run at the conference during our video panels. Questions and comments will be recorded and sent to presenters at the end of the conference.

All plenaries and panel sessions will be streamed live. Links will be shared the week of the conference.

We recommend you subscribe or follow World-Ecology Research Network Conferences’ youtube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj_8CnamqnS6ksNECdNtQcg) and click “notifications” so that you are notified when recordings are posted.

If you have any questions and/or concerns please contact us at wernconference9.2023@gmail.com.

Thank you for your participation in WERN 2023. Looking forward to see you soon!



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