UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Administrative, Business, Information and Technology

Role of Social Media Influencer in Tourism Destination Images; How Digital Marketing Affect Purchase Intention?
I Putu Gede Iwan Trisna Jaya

Health and Science

The Effect of Triple Dose Albendazole towards Anemia in Children with STH Infection in Perobatang Village, Southwest Sumba, Indonesia
Saleha Sungkar, Fitry Tambunan, Sri Wahdini, Gladys Kusumowidagdo

Law and Social Humanities

Theme of Humor and Advertising Effectiveness on Indonesian Children’s Screen
Naldo Noviyan Tantuah, Sri Rahayu, Hardika Widi Satria
The Use of Types Humour on Advertising Effectiveness (Study on Indonesian Children Age 7-12)
Hardika Widi Satria, Sri Endang Rahayu, Naldo Novian Tantuah

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