UI Conferences

Poster Presentation Guidelines

Poster Presentation Guidelines
Poster should include a brief overview of the study, which can be explained in more detail in a one-to-one conversation with the reader. The poster should only display the essentials, if your point can be made with fewer words, then edit your poster accordingly. If you can substantiate your findings with a smaller part of a table or graph, then do so. The less text on your poster, the larger your graphic element and your font can be.

· Poster size is A2 (42 cm x 59,4 cm).
· Materials must be easily read at a distance of 1.5 m.

· Poster should have a logical organization. Most posters have sequential sections (e.g. Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion).
· Data should be clear, concise, and well-organized.
· Avoid everything that can make your poster look excessively busy, such as boxes around graphs and tables, and long sentences.
· Limit the number of different fonts, different sizes of fonts and different colours.

· Aim for a short title (maximum 30 words).
· Size of the letters should be at least 96 point.
· State authors and affiliations below the title, in a smaller font.
· Include mailing and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers at the bottom of the poster.

· Keep style consistent. Keep headings short, maximum 3 or 4 words. Put headings bold and in larger type than the text of the poster.

Body text
· The text is more digestible if it is split into logical sections interspersed with graphics.
· Use bullet lists where possible.
· Minimize the amount of written text. Text should never dominate the poster.

· Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster.
· Graphics should be understandable without need for a detailed description.
· Aim for simplicity, not complexity.
· Title should inform about the content of the figures

· Avoid large tables. Make a selection of the most important results.
· Align decimal points.
· Title should inform about the information in the table.