UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

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Physical Geography and Natural Landscape (POSTER)

The Evolution of Agricultural Land Around the Sand Mining Area From 2011-2021 in Leles District, Garut Regency
Astrid Damayanti, Helmi Rahmat Fachrizal, Kintan Maulidina

Large Plantation and Smallholder in Export Commodity (Rubber, Palm Oil, Tea and Coffee), 10:45-12:40, Room 505

Assessment of farmworkers' level of Knowledge in Banana cultivation and its Implication on Productivity Improvement in Lower Shabelle region of Somalia
IFRAH DAUD FARAH, Supawan Visetnoi
Perceptions of the Global Tea Value Chain – Concept Mappings with Local Stakeholders in West-Java Province
Elena Fritz, Katalin Timea Schleuter

Disaster and Mitigation 2 (DM2), 10:45-12:40, Room 406

Flood hazard mapping and integrated mitigation measures for the Arau Watershed, Padang City
Ajeng Larasati, Erik Febriarta

Human Geography and Regional Development 1 (HGRD1), 10:45-12:40, Room 501

Assessment of Site Attraction in Gunung Mas Agrotourism, Bogor Regency, West Java
Sarah Putri Fitriani, Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa, Mangapul Perlindungan Tambunan, Rudy Parluhutan Tambunan
COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION MODEL IN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT (Study on Cipatani Nature Tourism Area in Nangewer Village, Tasikmalaya, West Java)
Siti Fadjarajani, Erni Mulyanie, Darwis Darmawan

Human Geography and Regional Development 2 (HGRD2), 10:45-12:40, Room 502

Redirecting land administration for coastal areas: trade-offs between community perceptions, land tenure regulations and spatial planning regulations
Faus Tinus Handi Feryandi
Utilization of Geospatial Technology in Mangrove Conservation and Blue Carbon Initiative to Support Innovative Funding for the Development of Kota Baru Sofifi, North Maluku
Muhammad Attorik Falensky, Aldy Mardikanto, Muhammad Fadel Aginda, Naomi Zakina

Natural Resources Management 1 (NRM1), 10:45-12:40, Room 604

Study of Changes in Seagrass Distribution in Derawan Island in the Year of 2003-2021 Using Remote Sensing Method
Yusuf Nauval Fadhlurahman, Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa, Jarot Mulyo Semedi, Anisya Feby Efriana
Ulfa Fitriyan Fitriyan, Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa

Physical Geography and Natural Landscape 3, 13:30-15:20, Room 505

Climate Analysis of Tea Plants in Indonesia
Pramudhian Firdaus, Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa
Mapping of Gunung Mas Tea Plantation Ecosystem Services
Annisa Fitria, Masita Dwi Mandini Manessa
Travel Decisions during Flooding of the Workers in DKI Jakarta Province
Wahyu Widiyatmoko, Anggarani Fatmawati

IOP proceeding

Food Estate in Transmigrant Society, Central Borneo: Blessed or Curse?
Ahmad Arif Widianto, Luhung Achmad Perguna, Megasari Noer Fatanti, Dedy ilham Perdana, Meredian Alam
Spatial Characteristics of Coastal Groundwater in Padang City Based on Stable Isotope Analysis 180 and 2H
erik febriarta, Ajeng Larasati, Afid NurKholis