Presentations and Authors
Panel 1. Research, Technology, and Social Transformation
Rhetoric Debate on Islam Nusantara Discourse | |
Dini Safitri |
Panel 2. Governance, Welfare, and Social Development
Exploring Entrepreneurial Leadership : A Case Study Toward SME’s Owner in Jakarta | |
Nurul Safitri, Eko Sakapurnama |
Multiculturalism Policy: Looking for the Integrating Factor | |
Yasmine Shahab |
Betawi Ornament For Interior Furniture In Efforts To Strengthen National Branding And Entreprenuership In Jakarta | |
Polniwati Salim |
Panel 3. Ideas, Norms, and Culture in Social Transformation
Perlindungan Anak Pengungsi Etnis Rohingya dalam Kearifan Lokal “Peumulia Jamee” di Aceh | |
Rahmadi Oesman, Arthur Josias Simon |
Religious Tolerance Values | |
Evelyn Suleeman |
Folklore as Local Wisdom for Teaching Materials in BIPA Program (Indonesian For Foreign Speakers) | |
Kundharu Saddhono, Husein Erwinsyah |
Panel 4. Knowledge and Gender Equality
Homicide by wife in the context of domestic violence: Case studies of convicted 4 female perpetrators in Woman Prisons, Bandung, Indonesian | |
Vinita Susanti |
Panel 5. Global Challenges and Social Transformation
Land/Forest Fires (A Criminology Catastrophic Analysis) | |
Iqrak Sulhin, Punchada Sirivunnabood |
Panel 6. Capital, Civil Society, and Social Transformation
Peran FKKADK Dalam Memberikan Pelayanan Terapi Dan Pengetahuan Pengasuhan Bagi Keluarga Yang Memiliki Anak Dengan Kedisabilitasan (ADK) Di Kabupaten Aceh Besar NAD | |
Marini Kristina Situmeang |
Building Tax People in Indonesia: Zest of Teachers to Play a Role in Promoting Tax (Empirical Study on High School Teachers in Bogor and Central Jakarta) | |
Neni Susilawati |
Local Decentralisation in North Sumatera: Civil Society at Crossroad and Social Transformation is Questioned. | |
Muba Simanihuruk |

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