UI Conferences

IANJ Conference of Socio-Legal Studies on Indonesia(IANJ-SLS)

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2nd IANJ Conference of Socio-Legal Studies on Indonesia

Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia

Room D214 – Law, Society and Development

Departement Faculty of Law Universitas Indonesia, Mr Djokosoetono

Street, Depok West Java 16424.

Depok, ID

August 23, 2019 – August 24, 2019

The field of socio-legal studies in Indonesia is becoming ever so relevant in Indonesia’s current state of social change; as interest towards the field continues to grow in several law faculties around the Nation as an attempt to understand the society better. The second Conference of Socio-Legal Studies on Indonesia will proudly be held by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia after its first was held in Jogjakarta by Universitas Gadjah Mada.

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