UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

01. Dealing With Diversity in (Digital) Urban Contexts: From Concepts to Engagement

From Tolerance to Affective Engagement: Bandung's Creative Diversity and Peace Movement
Dayana Lengauer
Producing Diverse Urban Spaces: Territorial politics at Bandung’s Car Free Day
Frans Ari Prasetyo
Bandung's School of Peace: An Alternative Space Addressing Interfaith and Minority Groups Through Dialogue and Cooperation
Fanny Syariful Alam
LISMA: Forming Political Bonds Through Social Media Among Muslim Women in Yogyakarta
Ach. Fatayillah Mursyidi
Fostering Inter-Faith Engagement through Civic Crowdfunding in Contemporary Indonesia
Bhirawa Anoraga

02. Mediating Piety: Hadhrami Religious Authority in a Changing Indonesia

Facing New Models of Islamic Authority: On the (Un)Popularity of Hadhrami Preachers in Indonesia
Martin Slama
Beyond Authority, Love, and Piety: The Visual Politics of Habaib Images in Contemporary Indonesian Spaces
Ary Budiyanto
Young Indonesian Hadhramis and the Quest for Religious Authority
Fatimah Husein
Revisiting Cikoang: Religious Authority among a Sayyid Community in South Sulawesi in the Age of Social Media
Muhammad Adlin Sila
Mediating Authority: A Hadrami Sufi Shaykh in Multiple Media
Ismail Fajrie Alatas
Ziarah Kubra: Reconnecting/Synergizing Global and Local Islam
Ahmad Syarif

03. Disintegration from within? Marginal Groups and the failure of Indonesia as a Common Project

No More National Belonging? LGBTI People within the Indonesian National Project
Dédé Oetomo
How Development and Conservation Interventions May Both Exacerbate and Mitigate Marginality: Shifting Power Relations on the Lindu Plain, Central Sulawesi
Greg Acciaioli
A Nation in Contradiction?
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo
The Shifting Meaning of Stranger in the Balinese Politics of Migration
I Wayan Suyadnya
Katobengke: The Dynamic Processes of Negotiation and Reassertion of a Marginalized Group in Buton
Tasrifin Tahara
Development as Exclusion, its Impacts and Community Responses: The Orang Rimba and the Orang Baduy Compared
Dedi Supriadi Adhuri
Intersections of ethnicity and class in Maluku
Timo Kaartinen
On Being Shi’a in Indonesia: The Study of Ahlul Bait Indonesia (ABI) and Its Minority Status
Muhammad Adlin Sila
The Dilemma and Marginalization of Female Porters in Pabean Surabaya Market
Miranti Dwi Yuniarti
When Anderson meets Samin: The Common Project and Its Fragments
Amrih Widodo
The Impacts of Adat Law Marginalisation on Adat Communities
Tine Suartina
Contextual Education for Indigenous People in Indonesia
Sugih Biantoro
Rural Socio-ecological Change and Religious Conversion among Kaharingan Dayak
Nindyo Budi Kumoro
Revisiting the New Policy on Kepercayaan for Social Inclusion
Samsul Maarif
Reaching up to The Sky: A Grassroots Approach for Integrating Minority Groups in Yogyakarta and Bandung
Meike Lusye Karolus, Firdhan Aria Wijaya
Life Across Borders: Marginalization, Survival Strategy, and Social Movement of Nyao People in the Skow-Wutung Borderlands
Usman Idris, Simon Abdi K. Frank
The Struggle of Bineka Citizenship and Inequality in Post-Indonesian Reformasi
Ahmad Suadi
Political Islam and Citizenship in The Javanese Community
Gutomo Bayu Aji
Poverty and Poverty Reduction in New Developmental States: The Case of Indonesian Participatory Villages Governance
Muhammad Syukri
Marginalization of the Indonesia Millah Abraham Movement
Abdul Rahman
The Use of Gay Language or Lavender Linguistic in Indonesia: Is it an abuse for Bahasa Indonesia?
Wisnu Adihartono
Analysis of Factors Causing Poverty in Fishing Community in Pajala Village, Maginti Sub-District, West Muna Regency
Akhmad Marhadi, Arman Arman, Samsul Samsul, Raemon Raemon
The Potential of Disintegration and the Spirit of Nationalism for People of Natuna Regency
Budiana Setiawan
Appropriation of Policies on Education for Adat Community in Indonesia: A Reflection of the Failure of Indonesia as a Common Project
Indah Pratiwi, Bakti Utama
The Outsiders And Racial Violence: Anti-Chinese Riots In Solo
Irawan Santoso Suryo Basuki

04. Role of Digital Ethnography in Indonesian Online Society

Indonesian Youth and Social Media: A Study About Political Preferences in Digital Era
Aria Atyanto Satwiko
Push Rank and Keyboard Warrior: Violence, Luddism, and Free-Labour of Contemporary Indonesian Gaming Culture
Irfan Nugraha, Febrian Febrian
Meme as Media Practice: Seeing Its Usage on Twitter during the 2017 DKI Jakarta Gubernatorial Election
Maria Vina Elmaresa
"Part of the Spectacle" Political Buzzers and the Performing of Digital Propaganda
Pradipa P. Rasidi
ISIS and "Virtual Caliphate": An Anthropological Analysis on the Rise of Cyber Terrorism in Indonesia
Al Chaidar Abdurrahman Puteh, Herdi Sahrasad
Social Media Story: The Homo Digitalis Cultural Artifact
Muhammad Naziful Haq
Understanding Consumer Digital Behavior Through E-WOM; Investigate Social Listening As A New Digital Ethnography Methods
Herda Prabadipta

05. Dependence and Displacement

Become Kulisusu People: Identity Construction and Transformation of Kulisusu People from XVII to XXI Century.
Nurlin Nurlin
Displacing the ‘Normal’: Uncertain Evidence and Pathologies of Tuberculosis
Clare Cameron
Lossing to Win: Study of the Indications of Marginalization and the Act of Giving to Migrant Communities
Ikhtiar Hatta
Sejit (God’s Birthday Ceremony) A Form of Cultural Hybridity in the Ceremonies
Celerina Dewi Hartati
The creative process of Indonesian choreographers: cultural dependence on creating dance with foreign choreographers
Nursilah -
The Displacement and Social Mobility of Indigenous Community: A Case Study in Selected Areas of Sarawak, Malaysia
Novel Lyndon
Dependence and Displacement: Case of Orang Kayo Pulau in Jayapura City
Hanro Yonathan Lekitoo
Segregation and Strategy of the Bugis-Makassar Community Relationship in Ambon
Rudolf Rahabeath
Blasphemy: Shrinking Religious Freedom and Tolerance in Indonesia
Hyung-Jun Kim
Amphibious Life and the Political Economy of Moving Earth
Joseph R. Klein

06. The Use and Abuse of Drinking Culture

Tradition of Drinking Arak
Taqyuddin Taqyuddin Taqyuddin
The Cultural Value of Minahasa People About Liquor "CAP TIKUS"
Maria Heny Pratiknjo
Beverage of the Spirits
Santi Dwiningsih, Tety Rachmawati
From Konau to Being Ara: Processing Systems, Problems and Legal Reviews Traditional alcohol in Buton
Dinna Dayana La Ode Malim
The Water of Words: the Conviviality of Drinking and Reciting on Rote
James Fox
Tuak Consumption in Alas: The Efforts to Resolve Life Tensions in Frontier
Ikbal Junanda, Ade Ikhsan Kamil
Drinking Culture, Crimes & Watu Pinawetengan Ritual: Cultural Criminology Study in Manado and Around
Arthur Josias Simon
You give love a bad name: The degraded meaning of baram among the Dayak of Central Kalimantan
Semiarto Aji Purwanto, Sofyan Ansori
Relation between Alcohol Beverage Consumption and Crimes
Dadang Sudiadi
Alcohol Lifestyle as Anti Structural Manifestation in the Sentani Papua Community
Monica Maria Nauw

07. Moral Politics of Nationhood: Examining The Politics of Diversity and The Management of Unity

Reframing and demonizing: moral politics of the powerless
Anton Novenanto
Religious Freedom and The Restriction to Imply Religious Freedom
Yossa A.P Nainggolan
Politics of Belonging and Strategies of Perseverance: Indonesian Political Exiles and Migrant Workers Within and Beyond the Nation-State
Ratna Saptari
After Violence and Discrimination: The Destruction of Gafatar Movement and Women Members' Struggle for Citizenship
Laksmi Adriani Savitri
Seeking the Morning Star: The Imagination and Political Movement of the Papuan Young Generation
I Ngurah Suryawan
The Dynamics of Recognition of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Trapped in Colonial Law Legacies and Social Change
Yando Zakaria
Clash within ‘civilization’: Understanding politic of diversity in Indonesia by tracing genealogy of an epistemic community.
Tri Nugroho
Politics of Othering: Post-Authoritarian State`s Repression on Critical Literacy Activism
Fuad Abdulgani, Ikram Badila
Criminalization of Activists from the Agrarian and Environmental Movement in Indonesia after the New Order
Suraya A. Afiff
Ancestor Worship at the Tropenmuseum: An Investigation into the Repatriation of West Papuan Cultural Heritage.
Sophie Gabrielle Faber
Traveling with Kebaya
Nita Trismaya
Tapa on Mandala and Tapa on Nagara: Looking for Harmony
Ira Indrawardana

08. The Dynamic of the Interaction between the Modern Medical System and the Traditional Medical System

Medical Pluralisms Practice to Treat Non-Communicable Diseases in Rural and Sub-urban Villages of West Java
Erna Herawati
Progress and challenges in health advocacy for the prevention of cervical cancer in Indonesia
Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti
Traditional Knowledge on Health and Fulfillment of Reproduction Health Rights of Bawean Women
Pinky Saptandari Wisjnubroto
Behind The Secret Of “Bungkus Daun Tiga Jari”, ethnography research in Irarutu community, West Papua
Setia Pranata
An Ethnographic Study on Maternal & Newborn Health in Dayak Siang-Murung Community: Skilled Midwives’ Working Spirit of ‘Tira Tangka Balang’ and their Collaboration with Traditional Midwives
Rachmalina Soerachman Prasodjo, Setia Pranata, Syarifah Nuraini, M.Gulllit Agung W., Salahudin Muhidin
Three Spirit Permeates the Balian
Sri Murni
Promotion and Prevention TB with Community participation in Muaro Bungo, Jambi, Indonesia
Sipin Putra, Rachmalina Soerachman Prasodjo
Disturbed by Ghosts: Behind the Explanations and Narratives on One’s Continual Encounter with Supernatural Beings
Ratna Fabrian
Silih Darah Culture and in House Give Birth in Working Area of Lombok Health Care Centre (puskesmas) West Lampung 2017
M Farid Hamzens
The sando pea: between tradition and health challenge among Kaluppini indigenous people
Nurbaya Nurbaya
In Search of Local Genuine: An Answer to the Question of Maternal Mortality in Indonesia A Literature Review
Yunarti Yunarti
Heritage, Training, Self-Taught (Study of Herbal Medicine Maker Based on The Type of Recipe Herb in Bangkalan Regency, Madura)
Satriyati Satriyati Nana
The Dynamics of Abortion Treatment as an Effort to Harmonization between the Modern Medical System and the Traditional Medical System
Hanifatus Salwa
Dukuns and Doctors: Finding Ways of Working Together
David Peter Mitchell

09. Anthropology and The Recentralization of Natural Resource Policies

The Complexity of Upgrading Community-based Coastal Management in Papua: In search for a Sustainable and Socially Fair Natural Resource Governance in the Changing legal context of Indonesia
Dedi Supriadi Adhuri
Impact of Mangrove Forest Logging to the Tobati Livelihood System in Teluk Youtefa Jayapura Selatan District, Jayapura City
Agustina Ivonne Poli
Women in Perhutani Forest: Ethnography Study in Palintang Hamlet, Cipanjalu Village, Cilengkarang Sub-District, Bandung, West Java
Budiawati Supangkat
Sawit Farmer and RSPO Certification: Governmentality and Unintended Consequences
Burhanuddin Gala
Berebut Proyek: Studi Kasus Perselisihan dan Kontestasi Pengelolaan Hutan di Puncak, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
Dede Syarifudin
Protected Assumption: Care for Culture through the Ecological Vocational Communities of the Mountain Community in Allakuang Village
Zulkifli Zul, Pawennari Hijjang
The Chance for Improvement of Rural Women Human Resource and Leadership Quality by Means of Women School
Pinky Saptandari
Political Transaction of Village Government on Facing The Environment Regulation: Case of Colo and Ternadi bureaucrats in response to IPHPS Program
R I Sihombing, Hafiz Awlia Ramadhan
Subjectivity and Forest Fires Governance in Indonesia: The Making of Environmental Inmates?
Sofyan Ansori
Post formalization and recentralization of mining policies. The case of mining regulations and their impacts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Semiarto Aji Purwanto
Mining Decentralization and Recentralization: Musing on the Construction of Nusa Tenggara Timur as a Province
Maribeth Erb
Forty Years of Shifting Cultivation in Sahu, Eastern Indonesia
Leontine Visser

10. Structuring Diversity: Values, Political-Economic Order and Inter-Societal Relations in an Indonesian Archipelago

Altering Egalitarianism: The State, the Mentawaians and the Production of Value on Siberut Island
Darmanto Darmanto
Assimilating stranger, exemplifying value: the realization of ideal cultural representation and upland-lowland relationship in North Seram, Eastern Indonesia
Geger Riyanto
The Intertwined of Hierarchy and Precedence in Huaulu Universe: How the Actualization of Gender Quality Making Values of Things
Muhammad Rifqi Damm
Palm Oil Tree Fetish: A Plantation God in the Process of Construction in West Kalimantan
Atmaezer Hariara Simanjuntak
Infrastructural Values and The New International Airport in Indonesian City
Khidir Marsanto Prawirosusanto
Adaptation Both Side: When the Gereja Kristen Jawa (GKJ) Multiculturize itself
Harry Bawono
Take Care of Promoting Diversity in the City of Jakarta
Lamtiur Hasianna Tampubolon, Murniati Agustian, Tri Warmiyati
Competitive Hospitality: Adat (Custom), Religion and Ecological Degradation in a Periphery Indonesia
Hatib Abdul Kadir
The development of identity in Javanese-white Australian families living in Australia
Petra Elias
Processing Banana to Cross State Border: Economic Development of the Community in the Border of North Kalimantan
Nugroho Trisnu Brata
Pagatan Woven Textile: The Inheritance of Malay Cultures Into The Banjarmasin Court
Dwi Putro Sulaksono
The Parallel and Sequential Emergence of Hierarchy and Egalitarian Socio-Religious Formation: Intra/Inter Denominational Relation among Christian Kenyah in Central Borneo
Imam Ardhianto
Modernities and Cultural Values in Minahasans Society
Vissia Ita Yulianto

11. The State of Anthropology of Indonesian Education: Critical Reflections on Theories and Methods

An Ethnographic and Linguistic analysis of Science Education in Islamic Schools in three Javanese regencies: a preliminary report
Joel Corneal Kuipers, Askuri ibn Chamim
Educating Youth for “Development from the Margins”: The Pedagogical Labor Behind Indonesia’s Interconnectivity and Economic Initiatives
Jessica Peng
Literacy in Development Discourse and Practice: Views from Jakarta and Belu, Indonesia
Jenny Zhang
State education and the funnel effect: Changing dynamics in gamelan music learning
Roberto Rizzo
Decentralized Education in Indonesia: Spark of Hope from an Innovative District
Risa Wardatun Nihayah
Learning (to use) the languages of being youth and becoming adults: Reflections on research in vocational high schools in Central Java
Kristian Tamtomo
What Education Means to Us? The Perspective of Underdeveloped Region Community in the Context of Formal Education in Jeneponto Regency, Indonesia
Fatjri Nur Tajuddin
The Decline of Lecturers’ Critical Consciousness under Neo-Liberal and New Managerialism Regime in Campus
Edi Subkhan
Closing the Gap: Educating Muslim girls to bring about social change- lessons learnt from Indonesia
Farhat Hamid
Youth Sexuality Eduction: Obscure Diversity in Changes of Era?
Kiki Koesuma Kristi

12. Methodological Dilemma on Studying Diversity

Research without Doubts: Doing Research in Welfare States
Inda Marlina
Methodological dilemma of doing fieldwork among fishers in the UK
Des Christy
“Who am I?”: Methodological dilemma in the field of Transnational Islamic Movement
Wahyu Kuncoro
Insider/Outsider Collaborators in Ethnographic Filmmaking: the Locals as Authors
Tito Imanda
Methodological and ethical considerations of digitally based cross-cultural research.
Petra Elias
Working at the margin: is interdisciplinary possible between anthropology and public health?
Elan Lazuardi
On how not to do an autoethnography: studying changing urban infrastructure in Indonesia
Khidir Marsanto Prawirosusanto, Elan A Lazuardi
Little Nimble Hands among Tobacco Green: On the Dilemma over Researching Children Who “Work”
Amrina Rosyada

13. Collective Violence, Peace Building and Reconciliation: Anthropological Perspectives

Tracing the Root of Violence and Peace Building in Papua
Cahyo Pamungkas
Marginalizing the Papuans, Harvesting Storm of the Nation’s Disintegration
Frans Rumbrawer
Communal Violence as A Strategy of Local Communities to Resist the Extractive Mining Operation in Morowali Central Sulawesi
Bambang - Hudayana, Suharko - Suharko, Andreas Budi Widyanta
Harmony in Diversity: Conflict Management in the Outer Island of Enggano, Bengkulu
Intan Permata Sari
Familial Terrorism: An Analysis on Familial Suicide Bombings in Surabaya 2018
Al Chaidar Abdurrahman Puteh, Dedy Tabrani, Herdi Sahrasad
Changing Times and Changing Patterns of Collective Violence in
Istutiah Gunawan Mitchell
Exit from Violence: Reconciliation and Peace Making in Indonesia
Yustinus Tri Subagya

14. Rethinking the Politics of Difference in Indonesia: Ethnicity, Religion, Class Relations

Papua under the state of exception
Budi Hernawan
Politics of Difference: Ethnicity and Social Class Within the Indonesian Middle Class in Digital Era
Thung Ju Lan
Unity in Which Diversity: Examining Class and Identity in Contemporary Indonesian Politics
Benny Hari Juliawan
In Fear of Purification in Representational Sense: Reshaping Political Preferences in Young Chinese Indonesians post-Ahok Era
Irfan Nugraha, Ignatia Dyahapsari
Interpretasi Remaja Ke Atas Isu Etnik dan Agama Melalui Dokumentari Kisah Tauke Mancis dan Minyak Tumpah (2010)
Mohd. Nor Shahizan Ali, Mohamad Fauzi Sakimi, Novel Lyndon
Disintegration from Within and Open Indonesian Identity
Sugeng Bayu Wahyono

15. Host, Guest and Stranger: Exoticization and Exploitation at Tourism Indonesian Practice

This is us: Toward Tourism Imaginaries Construction in Siak and Singkawang
Syarifah Ratnawati, Ayu Putri Dewanti
Pemaknaan Motif Tenun Ikat Sikka di Mata Penenun Muda
Meinar Sapto Wulan
Who Govern The Grave: The Contestation Between Government and Local Communities in Managing Religious Tourism Places
Aria Atyanto Satwiko
Exoticization of Local and Global: Exploitation in West Java Tourism Practice
Imam Setyobudi
Surfing the Ambivalences: Human-Waves Relationship in Mentawai’s Surf Tourism
Sarani Pitor Pakan
Lingko Lodok Tourism Development in Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara: Blessing or Curse
Hardian Eko Nurseto, Dede Tresna Wiyanti, Budhi Gunawan
The Power of World Cultural Heritage: In between Hegemony and Conservation Subak, Bali by Unesco
Masdar Faridl AS, Adi Prasetijo
Tourism as a Form of "Rebellion" of the Community To Get Out of the Pressures of Life
Fahri Hidayat
Experience Based Tourism : Case Study on Airbnb Experience's Activities.
Fitria Adella Basya
Originality Revisited: Rumah Adat and Tourism Development by The State
Mochammad Arief Wicaksono
Host and Middle East Guest Interaction
Aminah Agustinah
Remote(ivated) Working; The Quest of The Digital Nomads.
Nastiti Dewanti Basudewa
Dieng Culture Festival: Repackaging Local Traditions to Strengthen Tourism Image Destinations
Destha Titi Raharjana, Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Djoko Wijono, H. Adji Kusworo

17. Oral Tradition in the Discourse of Ethnic, Race, and Religion Diversity

Adat Narratives, Ritual and Community Civilization
Budi Sastro Setiyono
DODENGO as A Document of Memory
Ninuk P. Kleden
The Existence of Pantun Sunda in Sundanese Society (Case study in Ujung Berung, Bandung)
Ririn Iiechtiana
The Expressions and Emotions of Madurese as An Austronesian Language
Amirul Auzar Ch.
Keboan Aliyan Festival: Commodification of Rituals as Tourism Attraction
Linda Astri Dwi Wulandari
Betawi Phenomenon Ondel-Ondel: The Future and Community of Jakarta are Changing
Syahrial Syahrial
Serawai Tradition of Seni Dendang in Nundang Padi Ceremony at Selali Village, Pino Raya, South Bengkulu Regency
Bustanuddin Lubis
Thanksgiving for the people of Minahasa or tradition for all
Sonya Indriati Sondakh
Inculturation in Tensions between Tradition and Religion: Case Study of the Silek Tiger Case in Painan, West Sumatra
Madia Patra Ismar, Pudentia Maria Purenti SS Karnadi
Pamoi: Tradition Ceremony at Haruku Village Community
Efilina Kissiya
Oral Tradition: The Samin People's Moral Dilemma on Wayang Arts Performance
Mikka Wildha Nurrochsyam
Safeguarding of Mak Yong as Shared Cultural Heritage
pudentia maria purenti
The Preserve of Larungan Ritual in Suryabahari Vellage, Pakuhaji District, Tangerang Regency, Banten
Endin Saparudin
Madihin, Preservation of the Local Traditional and Politics
Mujizah Abdillah Mujizah
Learning Accompaniment Pattern of Gendang in Gambang Kromong Music using Solfegio Technique for Beginner Learner
Tuti Tarwiyah Adi
Narrative about Jew
Sri Murni
Sohibul Hikayat - Betawi Oral Tradision: Capturing the Heart of the Multicultural Ethnics in Jakarta
Yasmine Shahab
The Influence of Local Community in Segeri on the Ritual of Bissu
Muhammad Muflih Mappaujung
Ritual Pethok: The Effort of Family Harmonization within Rokat Pandhaba Tradition in Sumenep Madura
Atiqoh Fitriyah

18. On The Making of Commodities Under Category: Resource Exploitation

Mother Earth Protector: Shifting Ideas of Progress among Small Farmers in North Kendeng
Mokh Sobirin
Into the Land: Bajo People at the Cultural Intersection
Muhammad Reza Hilmawan
Commodity Diversion on Landscape: Emerging Natives Tanjung Gunung Sovereignty
Dhimas Langgeng
Tracking the Politics of Knowledge in Indonesian Rice Production
Yuhan Farah Maulida
Making Money Through ‘Dompeng”: Small-scale Mining and Local Livelihood in Jambi
Manggala Ismanto
The Cultural Landscape of Copra Commodity
Ode Zulkarnain Sahji Tihurua
COFFEE AND IDENTITY: Consuming Coffee, Building Identity, Maintaining Variety (Case Study in Palintang Community, Cipanjalu Village, Cilengkrang Sub-district, Bandung District, West Java)
Rahman Latif Alfian
Atomization of Production and Workers' Fragmentation in Indonesia's Commodity Politics
Fathimah Fildzah Izzati

19. Beyond Disciplinary Diversity and Debates in Parallel Universes: Anthropology and Political Science in Conversation

A Multistage Strategy for Integrating Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods
Mark Woodward
Interpreting Indonesian Politics
Made Supriatma
Comprehending Intolerance: Reflections on the ‘Uncomfortable’ Research Subjects
Ibnu Nadzir
Patron-Client Relationship: Between Anthropology and Political Science
Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra
Straddling between Different Worlds: Navigating Diverse Fieldwork Modes
Iqra Anugrah
Performative Acts in Indonesia’s Electoral Democracy
Yoes C. Kenawas

20. Governmental Practices in Indonesia: Non-Calculative Modality, State Power, and the (Im)Possibility of Politics

“They Call It a Revolution”: Affect in Reproductive Governance and Health Politics in Indonesia
Sari Damar Ratri
From effective to affective brokers: Rethinking development brokers in the implementation of community development in Indonesia
Hestu Prahara
The Aesthetic Turn in Indonesian Border Governance: Border-Crossings Beautification, Infrastructural Violence, and Ruin as a Time-Space for Political Reorganization
Sindhunata Hargyono
Islamic difference and public recognition in the bureaucratic era
Julian Patrick Millie
Dog Care Knowledges and Practices in Bali, Indonesia
Ann Marie Thornburg
Dialogical Politics: Gendered Subjectivities and Public Speaking in West Timor
Rafadi Hakim
The Conspicuous Face of Punishment: Spectatorship as a Mode of Governance in the Context of Public Caning in Aceh, Indonesia
Febi R. Ramadhan
Corporate Governmentality and the Will to Accumulate; Anthropology of Corporation in the Lapindo Mudflow Disaster
Fathun Karib Satrio
Staging Criminal Bodies: Public Shaming and the Theater of Punishment in Aceh
Reza Idria

21. Youth, Social Life and the Use and Abuse of Chemicals

“Is It Necessary to Take Postinor Too?”: The Use of Postinor-2 by Indonesian Youths and The Imagination of Efficacious Contraceptive Method
Annisa Dinda Mawarni
Sinte’: Reasons, Self-Control, and Repentance
Muhammad Akbar Alamsyah
“Fit on the Body, Fit for the Pocket”: Internal Code, Effect of Chemical Use, and Trial Practices among Youth in Maros, South Sulawesi
Muhaiminatul Ajriani
Totality in Cosplaying
Riska Tahir
Chemicals and Social Existence
Nur Pratiwi
Somadril, “Mainannya Perempuan”
Fajriani Amin
Dandan: Discourses on Beauty and Social Order among Women in the Academia
Suzie Handayani


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