UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

03. Disintegration from within? Marginal Groups and the failure of Indonesia as a Common Project

When Anderson meets Samin: The Common Project and Its Fragments
Amrih Widodo
Reaching up to The Sky: A Grassroots Approach for Integrating Minority Groups in Yogyakarta and Bandung
Meike Lusye Karolus, Firdhan Aria Wijaya

08. The Dynamic of the Interaction between the Modern Medical System and the Traditional Medical System

Traditional Knowledge on Health and Fulfillment of Reproduction Health Rights of Bawean Women
Pinky Saptandari Wisjnubroto

10. Structuring Diversity: Values, Political-Economic Order and Inter-Societal Relations in an Indonesian Archipelago

Take Care of Promoting Diversity in the City of Jakarta
Lamtiur Hasianna Tampubolon, Murniati Agustian, Tri Warmiyati

13. Collective Violence, Peace Building and Reconciliation: Anthropological Perspectives

Communal Violence as A Strategy of Local Communities to Resist the Extractive Mining Operation in Morowali Central Sulawesi
Bambang - Hudayana, Suharko - Suharko, Andreas Budi Widyanta

14. Rethinking the Politics of Difference in Indonesia: Ethnicity, Religion, Class Relations

Disintegration from Within and Open Indonesian Identity
Sugeng Bayu Wahyono

15. Host, Guest and Stranger: Exoticization and Exploitation at Tourism Indonesian Practice

Pemaknaan Motif Tenun Ikat Sikka di Mata Penenun Muda
Meinar Sapto Wulan
Lingko Lodok Tourism Development in Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara: Blessing or Curse
Hardian Eko Nurseto, Dede Tresna Wiyanti, Budhi Gunawan
Originality Revisited: Rumah Adat and Tourism Development by The State
Mochammad Arief Wicaksono
Dieng Culture Festival: Repackaging Local Traditions to Strengthen Tourism Image Destinations
Destha Titi Raharjana, Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Djoko Wijono, H. Adji Kusworo

17. Oral Tradition in the Discourse of Ethnic, Race, and Religion Diversity

Keboan Aliyan Festival: Commodification of Rituals as Tourism Attraction
Linda Astri Dwi Wulandari

19. Beyond Disciplinary Diversity and Debates in Parallel Universes: Anthropology and Political Science in Conversation

A Multistage Strategy for Integrating Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods
Mark Woodward

