UI Conferences


Theme and Subthemes

The main theme of the 4th ICCIS in 2017 is “China’s Impact on Southeast Asia and Its Diasporic Communities: Past, Present, Future” is expected to draw a wide array of ideas and research findings into discussion and exchange of knowledge among scholars working on China and its relations with Southeast Asia, as well as open up new areas of research on Chinese communities outside China.

Subthemes that the seminar would like to see raised and explored are, among others:

  1. Chinese Migration and Transnational Mobility in Southeast Asia
  2. Popular Culture and Other Forms of China’s ‘Soft’ Cultural Diplomacy in Southeast Asia
  3. China’s Economic Policy and Strategy in Southeast Asia
  4. China’s Foreign Policy and Relations with Southeast Asian Countries
  5. China’s Historical Cultural Contribution to Southeast Asia
  6. Stories and Histories of Chinese Diasporic Communities in Southeast Asia
  7. Rising China and Southeast Asian Responses
  8. China’s Role in the Cold War and Its Effects on Southeast Asia
  9. Southeast Asia’s Positioning and Strategies towards China’s Global Dominance
  10. Southeast Asia’s Representation in China’s Vision and Imagination
  11. Southeast Asia’s Regional Integration and Its Impact on China
  12. Southeast Asia’s Appropriation of Chinese Cultural Values through the Studies of Chinese Language and Literature
  13. Southeast Asia’s Past in Chinese Ancient Archives and Documents
  14. The emergence of China’s economic power and its implications for Chinese business in Southeast Asia
  15. The formation of Chinese diasporic communities in Indonesia
  16. Returning Diasporic Chinese to China and its problematics
  17. Cultural diversity of Chinese communities across the Indonesian archipelago
  18. Cultural artefacts and arts of the diaspora in Indonesia
  19. Chinese diaspora’s globalization and “second migration” to a third country
  20. Diasporic Chinese investment and business competition in China and other countries

And other relevant subthemes or topics proposed by presenters.

