UI Conferences

Call for Papers

Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia cordially invites all nursing scholars, students, researchers, and lecturers to participate in the 9th Biennial International Nursing Conference (BINC) 2024, taking place October 16-17, 2024. Prospective papers are invited for submission in the form of original research papers, literature review papers (integrative/systematic reviews), and case report papers. Submissions will be evaluated based on originality, significance, interest, clarity, relevance, accuracy, and quality of presentation. All accepted papers presented at The 9th Biennial International Nursing Conference (BINC) will be published in the BINC conference proceedings. Select papers may also be published in targeting journals.

Abstract submission dates are June 17 to August 17, 2024. All papers should be submitted via the Open Conference System (OCS). Authors must create a login and password when submitting their paper through OCS. The type of submission (original research, literature review, or case report) should be indicated. Papers will undergo a blind review process. Papers accepted with revisions must be revised according to feedback and resubmitted by August 24, 2024 using the same OCS login information.

For detailed author guidelines, please refer to the Author Guidelines section

Author Guidelines

Abstract Submission

This conference utilizes a double-blind peer review process. Therefore, please ensure that all personal identifying information (author names, institutions, email addresses, short bios) is removed from submissions. Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words and should not have been previously published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

Abstracts must be in MS Word format using the provided template. Authors are responsible for confirming the originality of their abstract's content and must consistently avoid plagiarism. Papers not adhering to formatting and originality guidelines risk rejection.


Additional Information:
1. Author guidelines – Abstract for Case Reports

2. Author guidelines – Abstract for Original Research

3. Author_Guidelines-Abstract_Review


Additional Policy:

The 9th Biennial International Nursing Conference (BINC) 2024 aims to deliver a high-quality program for all attendees while also being fair to our presenting authors. Authors who do not present their accepted papers as scheduled leave unfilled time slots in the program. This is unacceptable, as it negatively impacts the experiences of both other authors and the entire conference audience.

Therefore, BINC 2024 reserves the right to withhold certificates of presentation from any authors who do not present their accepted papers as planned, unless alternative arrangements have received prior approval from the conference committee. We appreciate your understanding of this policy, which helps us maintain the integrity of the program scheduling and fulfill our commitment to all participants. Please contact the organizers with any questions.


Full-Text Submission

This conference utilizes a double-blind peer review process. Please ensure that all identifying author information (names, institutions, email addresses, bios) is removed from full paper submissions. Papers should be between 3,500-4,500 words excluding the abstract and references for original research articles. Papers must not have been previously published, submitted elsewhere concurrently, or under review for publication.

Papers must follow the provided template and be in MS Word format. The document should use 12-point Times New Roman font, single spacing, and adhere to APA 7th edition referencing style. Authors are responsible for confirming the originality of content and avoiding plagiarism.

Papers not meeting formatting requirements or ethical publishing standards risk rejection. Please contact the conference organizers if you have any other questions. Identifying author details will be added later only to accepted papers scheduled for presentation. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and compliance with our review process.

Additional Information:
1. Author guidelines – Manuscript template for Case Reports

2. Author guidelines – Manuscript template for Original Research

3. Author-Guidelines_Review

Additional Policy:
Authors who fail to present their paper leave a gap in the program, which is unacceptable for the conference audience. The 9th Biennial International Nursing Conference (BINC) 2024 balances the interests of a high quality conference with fairness towards the authors and audience members. Therefore, the 9th Biennial International Nursing Conference (BINC) 2024 reservethe right to preclude authors who do not

present their paper at the conference from receiving a presenter’s certificate. Any alternative arrangements require approval by the committee.

Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
Step one of the submission process

