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Epistemology, Adaptation, and Disaster Mitigation of Masyarakat Adat Nusantara
- Panel01 Isjai
- Marko Mahin
Open Submissions |
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Mobility Challenges of a Border Population in the Celebes Sea
- Panel02 Isjai
- Amorisa Wiratri
Open Submissions |
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Interpreting the Etiology and Effects of Disasters in Indonesia: Anthropological Analyses and Interventions
- Greg Acciaioli, The University of Western Australia
- Panel03 Isjai
Open Submissions |
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Anthropological Responses to Gender-Based Violence in a Multidimensional Crises
- Panel04 Isjai
- Mochammad Wicaksono, Department of Anthropology, University of Indonesia
Open Submissions |
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New Developmentalism in Indonesia: Where is the Marginal?
- Panel05 Isjai
- Muhammad Syukri, Anthropology/Sociology, The University of Western Australia, and The Smeru Research Institute, Jakarta
Open Submissions |
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The Dynamics and Challenges of Indigenous People in Recognizing Customary Forest
- Panel06 Isjai
- Rina Mardiana
Open Submissions |
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Berkah dan Kutukan: Retelling Environmental Narratives in Indonesia
- Sofyan Ansori, Northwestern University
- Panel07 Isjai
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Experiencing Crises and Life Itself: Knowledge, Metaphors, and Actions in the Multiplicity of Crises
- albertus bambang
- Panel08 Isjai
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Plastics Production, Use and Waste: Burning Issues for Anthropology
- Anita Hardon
- Nurul Idrus, Department of Anthropology, Universitas Hasanuddin
- Panel09 Isjai, Universitas Indonesia
Open Submissions |
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Pursuit of Leisure: Reflections, Activities and Meaning of Leisure during Pandemic Covid-19
- - Febrian, Universitas Indonesia
- Panel10 Isjai
Open Submissions |
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Religion and Global Issues
- Panel11 Isjai
- Amanah Nurish, Universitas Indonesia
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Contested Values, Socio-Natural Rearrangement, and Infrastructural Development in The Time of Crisis
- Imam Ardhianto, Universitas Indonesia
- Imam Ardhianto, Department of Antropologi, Universitas Indonesia
- Sindhunata Hargyono, Northwestern University
- Panel12 Isjai
Open Submissions |
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Socio-cultural Foundations and Challenges of Peaceful Dialogue in Papua
Open Submissions |
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Oral Tradition Responding to Multicrises
- Heddy Ahimsa-Putra, Department of Anthropology Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Panel14 Isjai
- Ninuk Kleden, LIPI
- Sri Murni, Department of Anthropology, Universitas Indonesia
Open Submissions |
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Coastal and Marine Grabbing in Indonesia and Beyond
- Dedi Adhuri, Research Center for Society and Culture
- Panel15 Isjai
- Rina Mardiana
Open Submissions |
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Addressing Gender Inequalities and Social Exclusion Problems through Approaches of GEDSI
- Erna Herawati, Universitas Padjadjaran
- Panel16 Isjai
- Budiawati Supangkat, Anthropology Department
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
University of Padjadjaran
West Java
Open Submissions |
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Anthropology Dealing with Multiple Health Crisis: The Use of (Traditional) Alcohol Beverages
- Panel17 Isjai
- Raymond Menot, Universitas Indonesia
- Meutia Swasono, Universitas Indonesia
- Meutia Swasono, Departemen Antropologi, Universitas Indonesia
Open Submissions |
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Agrarian Aspects of the Pealand, a Challenge to the Agrarian System in Indonesia
- Panel18 Isjai
- Kosuke Mizuno
- Kosuke Mizuno, Center for Sotutheast Asian Studies, Kyoto University
- Kosuke Mizuno, Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia
- Kosuke Mizuno, Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, Universitas Indonesia
- Kosuke Mizuno, Universitas Indonesia
Open Submissions |
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Social Forestry Crisis in the Realm of KHDPK (Forest Area with Special Management) in Java
- Mohammad Adib, Universitas Airlangga, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Departemen Antropologi
- Panel19 Isjai
Open Submissions |
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Collaboration to Bridge Gaps between Academic and Applied Anthropology: Where are We Now? And, Where are We Heading to?
- Panel20 Isjai
- Anton Novenanto, Universitas Brawijaya
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Cultural Resilience and ke-Indonesiaan in the Border Communities
- Panel21 Isjai
- Dave Lumenta, Universitas Indonesia
- heny pratiknjo, Universitas Sam Ratulangi
- Heny Pratiknjo, Samratulangi University
faculty of social and politic sciance
- Maria Pratiknjo, Department of Anthropology Universitas Sam Ratulangi
Open Submissions |
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