UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

Administrative and Business

Young Adult Attitudes to Entrepreneurship as a Career Choices in Indonesia: Implication of Business Relation, Media, and Education
Gandhi Pawitan, Catharina Badra Nawangpalupi
Final Tax on e-commerce transactions by Micro Small Medium Enterprise (MSME) is a disincentive?
Titin Fachriah Nur, Thesa Adi Purwanto
Victor P.K. Lengkong, Olivia Nelwan, Yantje Uhing
Alternative selection of reducing strategy Non Performing Financing in the unit of commercial PT. XXX KCS Bekasi using the method of analytic network process (ANP)
Wahyu Nofiantoro

Information and Technology

Learning Analytics – Early implementation challenges, insights and dilemmas from an Australian Higher Education Institution Perspective
Alexander Loebbert, Ashleigh Nicholas
Influence of perceived quality of mobile payment application towards loyalty
Taufan Novembri Sandyopasana

Social Humanities

Application of Fuzzy Delphi Technique to TPACK Element Requirement For Design and Technology Teacher in Malaysia
Fazidah Naziri
Beginner Voters Outlook on New Media Advertisements of Partai Berkarya and The New Order Values Among Students: A Social Media Technological Adaptation Study of Indonesian Political Advertisement
Hardika Widi Satria, Naldo Naldo
Acceptance of archival information system by university archivists: Case study in Universitas Indonesia
Muhammad Usman Noor
Design and Brand Strategy Process of "Tenun Sibandang" in Establishing a Brand Knowledge
Astri Wulandari, Catur Nugroho

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