The central role of knowledge in society and the economy as posited by scholars all over the world is gaining prominence beyond the institutional walls of universities. The increasing currency of research has transcended the traditional role of the academic, challenging the meaning of knowledge collaboration as to also include business circles, policy makers, and technocratic networks. These changes in the past few decades have emerged particularly in the developing world as a response to the social transformations that follows a freer global flow of goods, services, and people.
The first International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Issues hosted by the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences stems from these developments regarding the knowledge economies. The theme “Knowledge and Social Transformations” urges scholars and professional researchers to reconsider new agendas in knowledge production, where different regionalization tides affect previously rigidly separated disciplines in more collaborative, if not contradictory, ways. This theme is concerned about the link created between knowledge productions in universities with liberalizing forces in the global economy.
The political consequences of research institutions that are much more responsive to the demands for economic growth must be further scrutinized. Such a theme pushes for a perusal on discourses which are invisible to this knowledge economy. This raises fundamental questions regarding analysis on new forms of social inequality, social exclusion, as well as who is being prevented from political representation and participation. The theme is expected to initiate cross and multidisciplinary academic discussions regarding novel forms of concentration and democratization of knowledge in the increasingly globalized and digitalized world we live in today.
Participants in the conference can join in one of the categories of topics and sub-topics as follows.
1. Research, Technology, and Social Transformation
- The role of research and technology in developed and developing economies
- Research, education, and knowledge economy
- Social exclusion in social research
- Research and knowledge in urban development
2. Governance, Welfare, and Social Development
- Development discourse, participation, and representation
- Social policy, economy, and democracy
- Knowledge sector governance and public policy decisions
- Knowledge, creative industry, and national branding
3. Ideas, Norms, and Culture in Social Transformation
- Family and parenting knowledge
- Human rights, justice, and equality
- Linguistics, oral tradition, and folklore in changing societies
- Indigenous knowledge
4. Knowledge and Gender Equality
- Social research in gender studies
- Gender equality in democracy and local development
- Women, human rights, and violence
- Women migrant workers’ protection and advocacy
5. Global Challenges and Social Transformation
- Climate change, environtment degradation, and social change
- Democratization and armed conflict management
- Free trade, globalization, and social transformation
- Substance abuse and new forms of addiction
- Ageing society, productivity and policy
6. Capital, Civil Society, and Social Transformation
- The new social structure in the global crisis
- The role of private sector and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in social transformation
- Civil society and social transformation
- Public-Private Partnership (PPP) and social transformation
7. Media, Knowledge and Social Transformation
- Social media and democracy
- Digital media and social change
- Media literacy, citizenship, and awareness
- Media openness and degree of control
The target of the conference is to produce a databank of papers consisting ideas andknowledge to contribute to society and social science development, in the form ofpublications on the topics in:
- Academic journal publications
- Book series publications
- Indexed conference proceedings
The target participants of the conference include scholars, researchers, policy makers,practitioners, and post-graduate students. The venue can hold up to 300 participants from all over the world.
We have invited distinguished speakers for plenary sessions at the opening of theconference of each day.
First Day :
Keynote Speakers :
- H.E. Prof. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, M.A.(The 6 th President of the Republic of Indonesia, 2004-2014)
- Prof. Donald K. Emmerson (Standford University)
Plenary Speakers :
- Prof. Vedi R. Hadiz (University of Melbourne, Australia)
- Prof. Adrianus Meliala (Universitas Indonesia)
- Prof. Richard Chauvel (University of Melbourne, Australia).
Second Day :
Keynote Speaker :Dato' Sri Prof. Dr. Tahir, MBA (Founder of Mayapada Group)*
Plenary Speakers :
- Prof. Rochman Achwan (Universitas Indonesia)
- Prof. Jim Ife (Curtin University, Australia)
- Prof. Kosuke Mizuno (Kyoto University)
Presenter who passed abstract selection process will have to register with the following provisions:
1. Paper Presenters:
- International : USD 200,-
- Indonesian : IDR 2.000.000,-
2. Poster Presenters:
- International : USD 100,-
- Indonesian : IDR 1.000.000,-
3. Audience
- International : USD 50,-
- Indonesia : IDR 500.000,-
How To Use Our System
If you want to learn more about the UI Conference Sytem, please check the documentations below
The english version for DRPM Manual for UI Conference System is not available yet, but you can learn from PKP as the publisher of the system
We will inform you soon about the manual. Thank you
Manual In Indonesian : http://icspi.ui.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/30/2016/07/ManualREVIEWConferenceUIIND.pdf
Manual In English : http://icspi.ui.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/30/2016/07/OCSinanHour.pdf

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