UI Conferences


Total submissions: 411
Peer reviewed: 277
  Accept (%): 105 (38%)
  Decline (%): 172 (62%)
  Days To Review: 13
Users: 518
Readers: 361
  Presenter Registration (Early Bird) - Main Conference: 13
  Observer Registration (Regular) - Main Conference: 6
  Presenter Registration (Regular) - Main Conference: 12
  Presenter - on the spot payment: 6
  Student Presenter Registration (Early Bird) - Main Conference: 7
  International Presenter (Regular) - Main Conference: 1
  International Student Presenter (Early Bird) - Main Conference: 2
  Student Presenter Registration (Regular) - Main Conference: 24
  Observer - on the spot payment: 2
  Presenter Registration (Special Invitation): 26

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

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