UI Conferences


The spread of Monkeypox, new lockdown policy, extreme conservatism, domestic unrest, climate change, debt trap, corruption, gender issue, family terrorism and post-pandemic psychological well-being must be likewise noticed which could trigger global distress in the near future. It is necessary to find the way for massively coping with complex issues and multi-dimensional challenges in the Post-COVID-19 age and the incoming of Mega Trend in 2045. The opportunity lies in the multilateralism among countries, the development of metaverse, access to better education, Islamic, environmental, regional, terrorism, gender, police, national resilience and any kind studies on strategic matters and many more aimed to solve the global problems.

There are scope and focus that will be closely related to the global and strategic studies. On a hand, more researches with the approach of multi and inter-disciplinary are encouraged to develop the studies. On the other hand, the progress of global phenomena is made the studies possible to reveal new discoveries and solution to overcome the issues. International Conference on the Global and Strategic Studies in many countries can provide positive values and widen the perspective for public at general, for academicians as well as for the world society. Thus, exercise the future outcomes and face challenges for global international society as a force to push forward the communal solution to be achieved.

Organized by Tropical Renewable Energy Center, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia