UI Conferences

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Sandhika, Hagi Mulya, <p>International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Pelita Harapan University</p>
Sanjaya, Yohanes Genius Putu, Terrorism Study
Santoso, Herjanti Nursuksmaningtyas, Unversitas Indonesia, School of Strategic and Global, Japan Studies
Savitri, Karen, Universitas Pelita Harapan
Setyowati, Devika Haryu, University of Indonesia
Simon, Josias, Universitas Indonesia
Siregar, Aldina Syafitri, Journal


surahmi, muji novrita, UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA
sutrisno, sutrisno trisno, Indonesia Police Science College


Syaukillah, Muhamad muhamad, SKSG UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA
Syauqillah, Muhamad, <p>Terrorism Studies Program</p> <p>School of Strategic and Global Studies</p> <p>Universitas Indonesia</p>
Syauqillah, Muhamad, SKSG

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Organized by Tropical Renewable Energy Center, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia