Presentations and Authors
Nursing Papers
Mother’s Enjoyment in Baby-Led Weaning: A Phenomenological Study in Indonesia | |
Ayu Fitria Utami |
The Correlation between Compensation and Nurses’ Job Performance in Indonesia: A Systematic Review | |
Titin Ungsianik, Setyowati Setyowati |
Dentistry Papers
A Validation of Food Consumption Index and Its Association with Dental Caries Experience among Adolescent | |
Robbykha Rosalien, Ulfah utami, Ary agustanti, Febriana Setiawati, Diah Ayu Maharani |
Medical Papers
Association Of Uric Acid Level With Severe Preeclampsia In Pregnancy Women In RSUD Dr. H Abdul Moeloek Province Lampung | |
rodiani rodiani rodiani, citara tri utami, nurul utami utami |
Organized by Tropical Renewable Energy Center, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia