Last modified: 2022-06-06
In the study of legal pluralism with a global perspective in Legal Anthropology, it is believed that what happens in one region or part of the world has an impact on other parts of the world. This happened in the context of the rise of resistance to sexual violence. The #MeToo movement has encouraged victims to report, concerned communities seek to be involved in providing support, and the State has begun to intervene in various legal processes. This also happened in the Indonesian context. As reported by National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komnas Perempuan)’s Annual Records, there are 962 reported cases of sexual violence. Some of those cases occured in the university environment, which is supposed to be as a safe area like other educational institutions. The investigation of the Campus Good Name Consortium (Tirto, Vice, and The Jakarta Post) in 2019 found that 179 members of the academic community from 79 universities in 29 cities in Indonesia had experienced sexual violence. Then a survey of 76 universities (public and private) in Indonesia in 2020-2021 conducted by a special team from the Ministry of Education and Culture found that 75% of respondents stated that there were cases of sexual violence on campus. Although Indonesia has two regulations that can be used in an effort to protect victims, Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Higher Education (Permendikbudrisetdikti) No. 30 of 2021 about the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in Higher Education and the Act of Sexual Violence No 12 of 2022, the implementation of these two regulations is not easy. This presentation tries to describe a brief narrative about the experiences of the actors in fighting for justice for the victims, including conflicts that occur within networks and/or communities. Then also the story about the various challenges faced when reconstructing the feudal and patriarchal culture on campus.