Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Metuakan: Culinary Tradition of the Bali People in Puri Agung Karangasem Environment
Aliffiati Aliffiati

Last modified: 2022-06-16


Tuak is a traditional beverage of the Nusantara people which is fermented from sap juice from a coconut, palm and sugar palm plants, with an alcohol ingredient of around 4%. Subsequently, Tuak in the perspective of the Balinese people is not only a beverage but also a complement to tribute or offerings. Metuakan as a tuak’s method of serving and enjoying is part of the society’s culinary tradition which existed due to the custom of drinking tuak, as so conducted communally or collectively. Per the Law for the Advancement of Culture No. 5 of 2017 and the Regulation of the Governor of Bali No. 1 of 2020, the existence of tuak is legal and is part of the cultural diversity resources in Bali. This condition requires wisdom in developing palm wine as a cultural resource for society.


Metuakan is the daily life part of most Karangasem people, irrespectively those who live in and around Puri Agung Karangasem. The Metuakan tradition was introduced to Puri Agung Karangasem around the 70s; during puri’s opening for tourism. In the sight of some people, the metuakan tradition is classified as a means of health and entertainment. In terms of health; it would be a way to maintain stamina and reshape body fitness. In the subsequent term; it was utilized by royal relatives (Puri Agung) as a method to interact and integrate among relatives, thereby between the royal relatives and parekan. Puri is one of the traditional institutions that still own traditional legitimacy (patron-client) and plays an important role in traditional and religious activities. Society still does recognize the existence of today's puri. Puri acts as a fortress and guard in preserving the culture of the society. The puri's existence has a major influence to preserve and flourish the metuakan tradition as part of the society's culinary traditions and cultural resources. At the ultimate, by that means, could do prosper the community.


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