Last modified: 2022-06-04
The state, through the ruling regime, has used the forest jargon for the 'common good' to manage forests for direct economic interests as well as conservation interests. From the Dutch colonial period to the post-colonial period, the Halimun-Salak mountain area has become an area managed by the state in the name of the 'common good'. This paper will explain how forest area management has removed the living space and way of life of local people. This paper presents a case study in the corridor area of the Mount Halimun-Salak National Park, West Java. Researchers have used secondary and primary data to understand forest management trajectories and their impact on local people. Researchers have also collected qualitative data in the form of life histories from people who have experienced changes in forest area management. This study found that changes in forest management have created uncertainty in the livelihoods of local people. They experience multiple displacements and loss of land access in forest areas. This study found that the struggle of local people to gain access to land in forest areas has reduced the uncertainty over their livelihoods.
Multiple displacements, land access, national park corridors, uncertainty over livelihoods, people's struggles.References
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