Universitas Indonesia Conferences, The 8th International Symposium of Journal Antropologi Indonesia

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Community-based research/activism/advocacy for social-ecological rehabilitation in the aftermath an industrial hazard
Anton Novenanto

Last modified: 2022-06-03


In facing and handling multidimensional impacts of an industrial hazard, maintaining multistakeholder collaboration is required. This paper reflects a longitudinal engagement with local communities surrounding the Lapindo mudflow hazard in Porong, East Java. The engagement begins with a community-based research approach in identifying multidimensional impacts of the mudflow from which findings further activism and advocacy agendas for social-ecological rehabilitation are designed. Based on that experience, multistakeholder collaboration is needed and the most difficult part in the whole process is to orchestrate various resources to sustain interests and needs of each actor. In this presentation I will be sharing some of our experiences and looking forward to gain insights from other places and cases.

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