4th International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematics and Sciences 2018
The Margo Hotel
October 30, 2018 – October 31, 2018
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia is delighted to invite you toattend and present your papers in The International Symposium on Current Progress in Mathematicsand Sciences (ISCPMS), which will be held in Margo Hotel, Depok from 30th to 31st October 2018 with the theme of Designing Basic Sciences for Implementing Development. The ISCPMS established in 2015,provides a forum for scientist fellows; mathematicians, chemists, physicists, biologists, geophysicists,geoscientists and geographers from graduate students; master-degree and doctoral degree students,to share their research activities through oral and poster presentations, and to be involved in relatedresearch discussions to exchange ideas and develop the professional network.The objective of this symposium is to build an excellent networking among the researchers as well ascollaborators from around the world. The progress and most updated of mathematical and naturalscience researches will be shared in this event. Additionally, this symposium is to encourageresearchers to submit their papers. New findings in scientific subjects may lead to innovations, whichwill be a contribution to society. Eventually, the researchers and society will be benefited from thisoccasion. Presenting two days of interactive discussions, presentations, question and answer as well asnetworking sessions, this symposium gathers important topics from many guest speakers to share theirviews and research on science studies.
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