Conference Policies
Peer Review Process
- Because qualified paper review is essential to the publication process, all reviewers have a responsibility to do their fair share of reviews.
- If a reviewer feels inadequately qualified or lacks the time to fairly judge the paper submitted, the reviewer shall return the paper promptly to the chairperson of the conference’ scientific committee.
- A reviewer shall objectively judge the quality of a paper on its own merit and shall respect the intellectual independence of the author(s).
- A reviewer shall avoid conflicts of interest and/or the appearance thereof. If a paper submitted for review presents a potential conflict of interest or the reviewer has a personal bias, the reviewer shall return the paper promptly without review, and advise the chairperson of the conference’ scientific committee.
- A reviewer should not evaluate a paper authored or co-authored by a person with whom the reviewer has a personal or professional connection if the relationship would bias judgment of the paper.
- A reviewer should treat a paper sent for review as a confidential document.
- Reviewers shall explain and support their judgments adequately so that editors may understand the basis of their comments. Negative judgments, in particular, should receive a clear, complete, and cogent explanation from the reviewer.
- A reviewer shall call any substantial similarity between the paper under consideration and any published work or any work submitted concurrently to another conference/publication to the attention of the conference’ scientific committee.
- Unpublished information, arguments, or interpretations contained in a submitted paper are confidential and shall not be used in the research of a reviewer or otherwise disseminated except with the consent of the author and with appropriate acknowledgement.
- If a reviewer has convincing evidence that a paper contains plagiarized material or falsified data, or evidence of simultaneous submission, the reviewer shall notify the conference’ scientific committee, who will determine the final disposition of the matter.
Archive Access Policy
The presentations that make up the current and archived conferences on this site have been made open access and are freely available for viewing, for the benefit of authors and interested readers.
Research with its dissemination activities is one of the univeristy’s fundamental duty for dealing with issues and challenges in a society. Within this awareness, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Indonesia held their first International Postgraduate Conference on Social and Political Issues (IPCSPI). The conference will be a placed for international postgraduate students, together with researchers and practitioners from all over the world, to present their view and collaborate on social and political issues and challenges. This event will be held on October 25th – 26th, 2017 in Depok, West Java, Indonesia.
Within a theme “Social Inclusion and Transnational Issues”, we invite participants to join and present their research with subtheme as follows, IPCSPI want to provide a space for international postgraduate students in the field of Social and Political Sciences in exchanging their ideas, knowledge and research. The precence of scholars and practitioners will reinforce studies and research on Social Inclusion and Transnational Issues. Furthermore, the IPCSPI is designed to enhance resarch disseminations of academics which is connected with social and political issues in the ground.
The IPCSPI target is producing eminence paper which will be a refererence for scholar over the world in developing knowledge and ideas in the field of Social and Political Sciences. Prospective papers will be published in three forms:
- Indexed academic journal
- Indexed conference proceedings
- Book series
The conference’s will be attended by international participants include postgraduate students, scholars, researchers, policy makers, and practicioners.

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