2nd International Conference on Advance Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Santosa Village and Resort, Lombok
October 19, 2017 – October 20, 2017
International Conference on Advance of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science (ICAPPS) will be held this year for the second times. This event is held by Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia. Key aim of the ICAPPS conference is to speed-up and share the research in pharmacy and pharmaceutical science field. In this conference, the ICAPPS 2017 will provide participants an outstanding and exclusive forum for sharing their perceptions and to learn about the cutting-edge research methods and findings in several topics, such as Halal product, Forensic science, drug discovery development, natural product and nutraceuticals, pharmaceutical technology, excipients and pharmaceutical material sciences, industrial pharmacy, biotechnology pharmacy, analytical methods development, cosmetic sciences, pharmacology and toxicology, clinical pharmacy and pharmacy community. We welcome you and the results of your innovative research and excellent findings that are expected to contribute significantly to our understanding of today’s pharmacy and pharmaceutical science. See you at the conference!

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