Presentations and Authors
Mobility Challenges of a Border Population in the Celebes Sea
Perempuan Pendeta di Laut Sulawesi: Sebuah Eksplorasi dalam Pelayanan Kristen di Area Kepulauan | |
Lidya Kandowangko |
New Developmentalism in Indonesia: Where is the Marginal?
Health Challenges and Threats for Hunter and Gatherer | |
Kristiawan Kristiawam |
Experiencing Crises and Life Itself: Knowledge, Metaphors, and Actions in the Multiplicity of Crises
Value and vulnerability in vernacular discourses of livelihoods in crisis | |
Timo Kaartinen |
Oral Tradition Responding to Multicrises
Meme and Pandemic Covid 19 On Stereotypes Perspectives | |
Daniel Kurniawan |
Oral Tradition Rites amid the Tourism Industry and the Covid-19 Pandemic: Study of cultural ceremonies in Dieng, Lombok, and Sumba | |
Nindyo Budi Kumoro |
Coastal and Marine Grabbing in Indonesia and Beyond
Marine, Coastal and Small Islands Agrarian Reform Movement as Policy Innovation for Conflict Resolution in Coastal Areas and Small Islands | |
Ari Wibowo, Pande Made Kutanegara, Agustinus Subarsono |
Addressing Gender Inequalities and Social Exclusion Problems through Approaches of GEDSI
Moving the House into the Forest: Gender Relations in Agroforestry Management in Cijambu Village, Sumedang, East Side of the Manglayang Mountains | |
Salma Rizkya Kinasih, Budiawati Supangkat Iskandar, Johan Iskandar |
Agrarian Aspects of the Pealand, a Challenge to the Agrarian System in Indonesia
Agrarian Structure Change and Rural Communities Resilience Around the Peatland Conservation Area in Central Mahakam, East Kalimantan, Indonesia | |
Bayu Eka Yulian, Toni Nurhadi Kumayza, Saparwadi Saparwadi |
Cultural Resilience and ke-Indonesiaan in the Border Communities
Strengthening the Cultural Resilience of Border Crossing Communities in Talaud Regency | |
heny pratiknjo, neni kumayas |
Ratumbanua as a strategic institution in cultural resilience and Indonesian identity in the Talaud border area | |
stefanus sampe, Neni Kumayas |
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