Conference Locations
Soegondo Building
- 522
- 523
- 524
Auditorium Soegondo
7th Floor Soegondo Building - 707
- 709
- 125
- 125
- 126
Conference Schedule
03:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Pre-symposium Lecture: Adat dan Perubahan Selama 40 Tahun di Sahu, Halmahera:
Prof. Leontine Visser
Wageningen University
08:00 AM - 09:00 AM
- Registration: 1st Floor, Soegondo Building
09:00 AM - 09:45 AM
Opening Ceremony:
Art Performance
Welcoming Speech by Rector Universitas Indonesia and Universitas Gadjah Mada
Opening Remark
Room : Auditorium Soegondo
09:45 AM - 10:30 AM
Honorary Speech:
HH. Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X
Room: Auditorium Soegondo
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Keynote Speechs:
Prof. Webb Keane
Prof. Irwan Abdullah
Chair : Prof. PM. Laksono
Room: Auditorium Soegondo
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Book Launching:
Sejarah Pertanian dan Kebudayaan Sahu di Halmahera, Leontine E. Visser, Penerbit Ombak
Room 125
01:30 PM - 03:00 PM
Budi Hernawan, Papua under the state of exception
Room: 524 -
Tri Nugroho, Clash within ‘civilization’: Understanding politic of diversity in Indonesia by tracing genealogy of an epistemic community.
Room: 522 -
Mokh Sobirin, Mother Earth Protector: Shifting Ideas of Progress among Small Farmers in North Kendeng
Room: 523 -
Amrih Widodo, When Anderson meets Samin: The Common Project and Its Fragments
Room: 709 -
Riwanto Tirtosudarmo, A Nation in Contradiction?
Room: 709 -
Fuad Abdulgani, Ikram Badila, Politics of Othering: Post-Authoritarian State`s Repression on Critical Literacy Activism
Room: 522 -
Irfan Nugraha, Ignatia Dyahapsari, In Fear of Purification in Representational Sense: Reshaping Political Preferences in Young Chinese Indonesians post-Ahok Era
Room: 524 -
Suraya A. Afiff, Criminalization of Activists from the Agrarian and Environmental Movement in Indonesia after the New Order
Room: 522 -
Aria Atyanto Satwiko, Indonesian Youth and Social Media: A Study About Political Preferences in Digital Era
Room: 126 -
Irawan Santoso Suryo Basuki, The Outsiders And Racial Violence: Anti-Chinese Riots In Solo
Room: 709 -
Rahman Latif Alfian, COFFEE AND IDENTITY: Consuming Coffee, Building Identity, Maintaining Variety (Case Study in Palintang Community, Cipanjalu Village, Cilengkrang Sub-district, Bandung District, West Java)
Room: 523 -
Fathimah Fildzah Izzati, Atomization of Production and Workers' Fragmentation in Indonesia's Commodity Politics
Room: 523 -
Ratna Fabrian, Disturbed by Ghosts: Behind the Explanations and Narratives on One’s Continual Encounter with Supernatural Beings
Room: 707 -
Maria Vina Elmaresa, Meme as Media Practice: Seeing Its Usage on Twitter during the 2017 DKI Jakarta Gubernatorial Election
Room: 126 -
Pradipa P. Rasidi, "Part of the Spectacle" Political Buzzers and the Performing of Digital Propaganda
Room: 126 -
Sri Murni, Three Spirit Permeates the Balian
Room: 707 -
Rachmalina Soerachman Prasodjo, Setia Pranata, Syarifah Nuraini, M.Gulllit Agung W., Salahudin Muhidin, An Ethnographic Study on Maternal & Newborn Health in Dayak Siang-Murung Community: Skilled Midwives’ Working Spirit of ‘Tira Tangka Balang’ and their Collaboration with Traditional Midwives
Room: 707 -
Setia Pranata, Behind The Secret Of “Bungkus Daun Tiga Jari”, ethnography research in Irarutu community, West Papua
Room: 707 -
Abdul Rahman, Marginalization of the Indonesia Millah Abraham Movement
Room: 709 -
Dhimas Langgeng, Commodity Diversion on Landscape: Emerging Natives Tanjung Gunung Sovereignty
Room: 523 -
Mohd. Nor Shahizan Ali, Mohamad Fauzi Sakimi, Novel Lyndon, Interpretasi Remaja Ke Atas Isu Etnik dan Agama Melalui Dokumentari Kisah Tauke Mancis dan Minyak Tumpah (2010)
Room: 524
03:30 PM - 05:00 PM
Herda Prabadipta, Understanding Consumer Digital Behavior Through E-WOM; Investigate Social Listening As A New Digital Ethnography Methods
Room: 126 -
Manggala Ismanto, Making Money Through ‘Dompeng”: Small-scale Mining and Local Livelihood in Jambi
Room: 523 -
Laksmi Adriani Savitri, After Violence and Discrimination: The Destruction of Gafatar Movement and Women Members' Struggle for Citizenship
Room: 522 -
Dedi Supriadi Adhuri, Development as Exclusion, its Impacts and Community Responses: The Orang Rimba and the Orang Baduy Compared
Room: 709 -
Yossa A.P Nainggolan, Religious Freedom and The Restriction to Imply Religious Freedom
Room: 522 -
Erna Herawati, Medical Pluralisms Practice to Treat Non-Communicable Diseases in Rural and Sub-urban Villages of West Java
Room: 707 -
Muhammad Syukri, Poverty and Poverty Reduction in New Developmental States: The Case of Indonesian Participatory Villages Governance
Room: 709 -
Ratna Saptari, Politics of Belonging and Strategies of Perseverance: Indonesian Political Exiles and Migrant Workers Within and Beyond the Nation-State
Room: 522 -
Al Chaidar Abdurrahman Puteh, Herdi Sahrasad, ISIS and "Virtual Caliphate": An Anthropological Analysis on the Rise of Cyber Terrorism in Indonesia
Room: 126 -
Thung Ju Lan, Politics of Difference: Ethnicity and Social Class Within the Indonesian Middle Class in Digital Era
Room: 524 -
Muhammad Reza Hilmawan, Into the Land: Bajo People at the Cultural Intersection
Room: 523 -
Benny Hari Juliawan, Unity in Which Diversity: Examining Class and Identity in Contemporary Indonesian Politics
Room: 524 -
Satriyati Satriyati Nana, Heritage, Training, Self-Taught (Study of Herbal Medicine Maker Based on The Type of Recipe Herb in Bangkalan Regency, Madura)
Room: 707 -
Yuhan Farah Maulida, Tracking the Politics of Knowledge in Indonesian Rice Production
Room: 523 -
David Peter Mitchell, Dukuns and Doctors: Finding Ways of Working Together
Room: 707 -
Muhammad Naziful Haq, Social Media Story: The Homo Digitalis Cultural Artifact
Room: 126 -
Greg Acciaioli, How Development and Conservation Interventions May Both Exacerbate and Mitigate Marginality: Shifting Power Relations on the Lindu Plain, Central Sulawesi
Room: 709 -
Irfan Nugraha, Febrian Febrian, Push Rank and Keyboard Warrior: Violence, Luddism, and Free-Labour of Contemporary Indonesian Gaming Culture
Room: 126 -
Ode Zulkarnain Sahji Tihurua, The Cultural Landscape of Copra Commodity
Room: 523 -
Sugeng Bayu Wahyono, Disintegration from Within and Open Indonesian Identity
Room: 524 -
I Wayan Suyadnya, The Shifting Meaning of Stranger in the Balinese Politics of Migration
Room: 709
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
- Welcoming Dinner
08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Keynote Speechs:
Prof. Anna Tsing
Prof. Nurul Ilmi Idrus
Chair : Dr. Pujo Semedi H.Y.
Room: Auditorium Soegondo
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Khidir Marsanto Prawirosusanto, Elan A Lazuardi, On how not to do an autoethnography: studying changing urban infrastructure in Indonesia
Room: 523 -
Burhanuddin Gala, Sawit Farmer and RSPO Certification: Governmentality and Unintended Consequences
Room: 524 -
Anton Novenanto, Reframing and demonizing: moral politics of the powerless
Room: 522 -
Wahyu Kuncoro, “Who am I?”: Methodological dilemma in the field of Transnational Islamic Movement
Room: 523 -
Des Christy, Methodological dilemma of doing fieldwork among fishers in the UK
Room: 523 -
Ismail Fajrie Alatas, Mediating Authority: A Hadrami Sufi Shaykh in Multiple Media
Room: 126 -
Semiarto Aji Purwanto, Post formalization and recentralization of mining policies. The case of mining regulations and their impacts in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
Room: 524 -
Mujizah Abdillah Mujizah, Madihin, Preservation of the Local Traditional and Politics
Room: 125 -
Sipin Putra, Rachmalina Soerachman Prasodjo, Promotion and Prevention TB with Community participation in Muaro Bungo, Jambi, Indonesia
Room: 707 -
Maribeth Erb, Mining Decentralization and Recentralization: Musing on the Construction of Nusa Tenggara Timur as a Province
Room: 524 -
Akhmad Marhadi, Arman Arman, Samsul Samsul, Raemon Raemon, Analysis of Factors Causing Poverty in Fishing Community in Pajala Village, Maginti Sub-District, West Muna Regency
Room: 709 -
Inda Marlina, Research without Doubts: Doing Research in Welfare States
Room: 523 -
R I Sihombing, Hafiz Awlia Ramadhan, Political Transaction of Village Government on Facing The Environment Regulation: Case of Colo and Ternadi bureaucrats in response to IPHPS Program
Room: 524 -
Pinky Saptandari Wisjnubroto, Traditional Knowledge on Health and Fulfillment of Reproduction Health Rights of Bawean Women
Room: 707 -
Belinda Rina Marie Spagnoletti, Progress and challenges in health advocacy for the prevention of cervical cancer in Indonesia
Room: 707 -
Amirul Auzar Ch., The Expressions and Emotions of Madurese as An Austronesian Language
Room: 125 -
Yando Zakaria, The Dynamics of Recognition of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Trapped in Colonial Law Legacies and Social Change
Room: 522 -
Sonya Indriati Sondakh, Thanksgiving for the people of Minahasa or tradition for all
Room: 125 -
Tuti Tarwiyah Adi, Learning Accompaniment Pattern of Gendang in Gambang Kromong Music using Solfegio Technique for Beginner Learner
Room: 125 -
Muhammad Adlin Sila, Revisiting Cikoang: Religious Authority among a Sayyid Community in South Sulawesi in the Age of Social Media
Room: 126 -
Fatimah Husein, Young Indonesian Hadhramis and the Quest for Religious Authority
Room: 126 -
Tasrifin Tahara, Katobengke: The Dynamic Processes of Negotiation and Reassertion of a Marginalized Group in Buton
Room: 709 -
Timo Kaartinen, Intersections of ethnicity and class in Maluku
Room: 709 -
I Ngurah Suryawan, Seeking the Morning Star: The Imagination and Political Movement of the Papuan Young Generation
Room: 522
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Book Launching:
Book Launching
Southeast Asian Anthropologies: National Traditions and Transnational Practices, Eric C. Thompson and Vineeta Sinha (Eds.), Nus Press Singapore, 2019
Room 125
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Meike Lusye Karolus, Firdhan Aria Wijaya, Reaching up to The Sky: A Grassroots Approach for Integrating Minority Groups in Yogyakarta and Bandung
Room: 709 -
Nurbaya Nurbaya, The sando pea: between tradition and health challenge among Kaluppini indigenous people
Room: 707 -
Miranti Dwi Yuniarti, The Dilemma and Marginalization of Female Porters in Pabean Surabaya Market
Room: 709 -
Wisnu Adihartono, The Use of Gay Language or Lavender Linguistic in Indonesia: Is it an abuse for Bahasa Indonesia?
Room: 709 -
Zulkifli Zul, Pawennari Hijjang, Protected Assumption: Care for Culture through the Ecological Vocational Communities of the Mountain Community in Allakuang Village
Room: 524 -
Sophie Gabrielle Faber, Ancestor Worship at the Tropenmuseum: An Investigation into the Repatriation of West Papuan Cultural Heritage.
Room: 522 -
Ary Budiyanto, Beyond Authority, Love, and Piety: The Visual Politics of Habaib Images in Contemporary Indonesian Spaces
Room: 126 -
Leontine Visser, Forty Years of Shifting Cultivation in Sahu, Eastern Indonesia
Room: 524 -
Elan Lazuardi, Working at the margin: is interdisciplinary possible between anthropology and public health?
Room: 523 -
Hanifatus Salwa, The Dynamics of Abortion Treatment as an Effort to Harmonization between the Modern Medical System and the Traditional Medical System
Room: 707 -
Ira Indrawardana, Tapa on Mandala and Tapa on Nagara: Looking for Harmony
Room: 522 -
Budiawati Supangkat, Women in Perhutani Forest: Ethnography Study in Palintang Hamlet, Cipanjalu Village, Cilengkarang Sub-District, Bandung, West Java
Room: 524 -
Martin Slama, Facing New Models of Islamic Authority: On the (Un)Popularity of Hadhrami Preachers in Indonesia
Room: 126 -
Amrina Rosyada, Little Nimble Hands among Tobacco Green: On the Dilemma over Researching Children Who “Work”
Room: 523 -
Mikka Wildha Nurrochsyam, Oral Tradition: The Samin People's Moral Dilemma on Wayang Arts Performance
Room: 125 -
Yasmine Shahab, Sohibul Hikayat - Betawi Oral Tradision: Capturing the Heart of the Multicultural Ethnics in Jakarta
Room: 125 -
Yunarti Yunarti, In Search of Local Genuine: An Answer to the Question of Maternal Mortality in Indonesia A Literature Review
Room: 707 -
Petra Elias, Methodological and ethical considerations of digitally based cross-cultural research.
Room: 523 -
Nita Trismaya, Traveling with Kebaya
Room: 522 -
Tito Imanda, Insider/Outsider Collaborators in Ethnographic Filmmaking: the Locals as Authors
Room: 523 -
Ririn Iiechtiana, The Existence of Pantun Sunda in Sundanese Society (Case study in Ujung Berung, Bandung)
Room: 125 -
Pinky Saptandari, The Chance for Improvement of Rural Women Human Resource and Leadership Quality by Means of Women School
Room: 524 -
Dédé Oetomo, No More National Belonging? LGBTI People within the Indonesian National Project
Room: 709 -
Ahmad Syarif, Ziarah Kubra: Reconnecting/Synergizing Global and Local Islam
Room: 126 -
Sri Murni, Narrative about Jew
Room: 125 -
M Farid Hamzens, Silih Darah Culture and in House Give Birth in Working Area of Lombok Health Care Centre (puskesmas) West Lampung 2017
Room: 707
03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Frans Ari Prasetyo, Producing Diverse Urban Spaces: Territorial politics at Bandung’s Car Free Day
Room: 126 -
Agustina Ivonne Poli, Impact of Mangrove Forest Logging to the Tobati Livelihood System in Teluk Youtefa Jayapura Selatan District, Jayapura City
Room: 524 -
Muhammad Adlin Sila, On Being Shi’a in Indonesia: The Study of Ahlul Bait Indonesia (ABI) and Its Minority Status
Room: 709 -
Dayana Lengauer, From Tolerance to Affective Engagement: Bandung's Creative Diversity and Peace Movement
Room: 126 -
Ach. Fatayillah Mursyidi, LISMA: Forming Political Bonds Through Social Media Among Muslim Women in Yogyakarta
Room: 126 -
Bhirawa Anoraga, Fostering Inter-Faith Engagement through Civic Crowdfunding in Contemporary Indonesia
Room: 126 -
Endin Saparudin, The Preserve of Larungan Ritual in Suryabahari Vellage, Pakuhaji District, Tangerang Regency, Banten
Room: 125 -
Gutomo Bayu Aji, Political Islam and Citizenship in The Javanese Community
Room: 709 -
Dedi Supriadi Adhuri, The Complexity of Upgrading Community-based Coastal Management in Papua: In search for a Sustainable and Socially Fair Natural Resource Governance in the Changing legal context of Indonesia
Room: 524 -
Budi Sastro Setiyono, Adat Narratives, Ritual and Community Civilization
Room: 125 -
Sofyan Ansori, Subjectivity and Forest Fires Governance in Indonesia: The Making of Environmental Inmates?
Room: 524 -
Samsul Maarif, Revisiting the New Policy on Kepercayaan for Social Inclusion
Room: 709 -
Fanny Syariful Alam, Bandung's School of Peace: An Alternative Space Addressing Interfaith and Minority Groups Through Dialogue and Cooperation
Room: 126 -
Muhammad Muflih Mappaujung, The Influence of Local Community in Segeri on the Ritual of Bissu
Room: 125 -
Dede Syarifudin, Berebut Proyek: Studi Kasus Perselisihan dan Kontestasi Pengelolaan Hutan di Puncak, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
Room: 524 -
Bustanuddin Lubis, Serawai Tradition of Seni Dendang in Nundang Padi Ceremony at Selali Village, Pino Raya, South Bengkulu Regency
Room: 125
08:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Maria Heny Pratiknjo, The Cultural Value of Minahasa People About Liquor "CAP TIKUS"
Room: 523 -
Madia Patra Ismar, Pudentia Maria Purenti SS Karnadi, Inculturation in Tensions between Tradition and Religion: Case Study of the Silek Tiger Case in Painan, West Sumatra
Room: 522 -
Linda Astri Dwi Wulandari, Keboan Aliyan Festival: Commodification of Rituals as Tourism Attraction
Room: 522 -
Syahrial Syahrial, Betawi Phenomenon Ondel-Ondel: The Future and Community of Jakarta are Changing
Room: 522 -
Taqyuddin Taqyuddin Taqyuddin, Tradition of Drinking Arak
Room: 523 -
Sugih Biantoro, Contextual Education for Indigenous People in Indonesia
Room: 709 -
Meinar Sapto Wulan, Pemaknaan Motif Tenun Ikat Sikka di Mata Penenun Muda
Room: 524 -
Lamtiur Hasianna Tampubolon, Murniati Agustian, Tri Warmiyati, Take Care of Promoting Diversity in the City of Jakarta
Room: 707 -
Novel Lyndon, The Displacement and Social Mobility of Indigenous Community: A Case Study in Selected Areas of Sarawak, Malaysia
Room: 126 -
Tine Suartina, The Impacts of Adat Law Marginalisation on Adat Communities
Room: 709 -
Hardian Eko Nurseto, Dede Tresna Wiyanti, Budhi Gunawan, Lingko Lodok Tourism Development in Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara: Blessing or Curse
Room: 524 -
Destha Titi Raharjana, Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Djoko Wijono, H. Adji Kusworo, Dieng Culture Festival: Repackaging Local Traditions to Strengthen Tourism Image Destinations
Room: 524 -
Indah Pratiwi, Bakti Utama, Appropriation of Policies on Education for Adat Community in Indonesia: A Reflection of the Failure of Indonesia as a Common Project
Room: 709 -
Dwi Putro Sulaksono, Pagatan Woven Textile: The Inheritance of Malay Cultures Into The Banjarmasin Court
Room: 707 -
Syarifah Ratnawati, Ayu Putri Dewanti, This is us: Toward Tourism Imaginaries Construction in Siak and Singkawang
Room: 524 -
Ikhtiar Hatta, Lossing to Win: Study of the Indications of Marginalization and the Act of Giving to Migrant Communities
Room: 126 -
Ninuk P. Kleden, DODENGO as A Document of Memory
Room: 522 -
Petra Elias, The development of identity in Javanese-white Australian families living in Australia
Room: 707 -
Arthur Josias Simon, Drinking Culture, Crimes & Watu Pinawetengan Ritual: Cultural Criminology Study in Manado and Around
Room: 523 -
Hanro Yonathan Lekitoo, Dependence and Displacement: Case of Orang Kayo Pulau in Jayapura City
Room: 126
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Budiana Setiawan, The Potential of Disintegration and the Spirit of Nationalism for People of Natuna Regency
Room: 709 -
Ikbal Junanda, Ade Ikhsan Kamil, Tuak Consumption in Alas: The Efforts to Resolve Life Tensions in Frontier
Room: 523 -
Dinna Dayana La Ode Malim, From Konau to Being Ara: Processing Systems, Problems and Legal Reviews Traditional alcohol in Buton
Room: 523 -
Nursilah -, The creative process of Indonesian choreographers: cultural dependence on creating dance with foreign choreographers
Room: 126 -
Geger Riyanto, Assimilating stranger, exemplifying value: the realization of ideal cultural representation and upland-lowland relationship in North Seram, Eastern Indonesia
Room: 707 -
Muhammad Rifqi Damm, The Intertwined of Hierarchy and Precedence in Huaulu Universe: How the Actualization of Gender Quality Making Values of Things
Room: 707 -
Efilina Kissiya, Pamoi: Tradition Ceremony at Haruku Village Community
Room: 522 -
pudentia maria purenti, Safeguarding of Mak Yong as Shared Cultural Heritage
Room: 522 -
Celerina Dewi Hartati, Sejit (God’s Birthday Ceremony) A Form of Cultural Hybridity in the Ceremonies
Room: 126 -
Darmanto Darmanto, Altering Egalitarianism: The State, the Mentawaians and the Production of Value on Siberut Island
Room: 707 -
Usman Idris, Simon Abdi K. Frank, Life Across Borders: Marginalization, Survival Strategy, and Social Movement of Nyao People in the Skow-Wutung Borderlands
Room: 709 -
Aria Atyanto Satwiko, Who Govern The Grave: The Contestation Between Government and Local Communities in Managing Religious Tourism Places
Room: 524 -
Fahri Hidayat, Tourism as a Form of "Rebellion" of the Community To Get Out of the Pressures of Life
Room: 524 -
Joseph R. Klein, Amphibious Life and the Political Economy of Moving Earth
Room: 126 -
Nindyo Budi Kumoro, Rural Socio-ecological Change and Religious Conversion among Kaharingan Dayak
Room: 709 -
Atiqoh Fitriyah, Ritual Pethok: The Effort of Family Harmonization within Rokat Pandhaba Tradition in Sumenep Madura
Room: 522 -
James Fox, The Water of Words: the Conviviality of Drinking and Reciting on Rote
Room: 523 -
Ahmad Suadi, The Struggle of Bineka Citizenship and Inequality in Post-Indonesian Reformasi
Room: 709 -
Masdar Faridl AS, Adi Prasetijo, The Power of World Cultural Heritage: In between Hegemony and Conservation Subak, Bali by Unesco
Room: 524
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
AAI's Gathering:
Gathering of Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia members
Room 125
01:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Semiarto Aji Purwanto, Sofyan Ansori, You give love a bad name: The degraded meaning of baram among the Dayak of Central Kalimantan
Room: 523 -
Sari Damar Ratri, “They Call It a Revolution”: Affect in Reproductive Governance and Health Politics in Indonesia
Room: 522 -
Hyung-Jun Kim, Blasphemy: Shrinking Religious Freedom and Tolerance in Indonesia
Room: 126 -
Kristian Tamtomo, Learning (to use) the languages of being youth and becoming adults: Reflections on research in vocational high schools in Central Java
Room: 709 -
Fathun Karib Satrio, Corporate Governmentality and the Will to Accumulate; Anthropology of Corporation in the Lapindo Mudflow Disaster
Room: 522 -
Joel Corneal Kuipers, Askuri ibn Chamim, An Ethnographic and Linguistic analysis of Science Education in Islamic Schools in three Javanese regencies: a preliminary report
Room: 709 -
Khidir Marsanto Prawirosusanto, Infrastructural Values and The New International Airport in Indonesian City
Room: 707 -
Clare Cameron, Displacing the ‘Normal’: Uncertain Evidence and Pathologies of Tuberculosis
Room: 126 -
Aminah Agustinah, Host and Middle East Guest Interaction
Room: 524 -
Nurlin Nurlin, Become Kulisusu People: Identity Construction and Transformation of Kulisusu People from XVII to XXI Century.
Room: 126 -
Fitria Adella Basya, Experience Based Tourism : Case Study on Airbnb Experience's Activities.
Room: 524 -
Sindhunata Hargyono, The Aesthetic Turn in Indonesian Border Governance: Border-Crossings Beautification, Infrastructural Violence, and Ruin as a Time-Space for Political Reorganization
Room: 522 -
Nugroho Trisnu Brata, Processing Banana to Cross State Border: Economic Development of the Community in the Border of North Kalimantan
Room: 707 -
Monica Maria Nauw, Alcohol Lifestyle as Anti Structural Manifestation in the Sentani Papua Community
Room: 523 -
Hatib Abdul Kadir, Competitive Hospitality: Adat (Custom), Religion and Ecological Degradation in a Periphery Indonesia
Room: 707 -
Dadang Sudiadi, Relation between Alcohol Beverage Consumption and Crimes
Room: 523 -
Mochammad Arief Wicaksono, Originality Revisited: Rumah Adat and Tourism Development by The State
Room: 524 -
Jenny Zhang, Literacy in Development Discourse and Practice: Views from Jakarta and Belu, Indonesia
Room: 709 -
Santi Dwiningsih, Tety Rachmawati, Beverage of the Spirits
Room: 523 -
Rudolf Rahabeath, Segregation and Strategy of the Bugis-Makassar Community Relationship in Ambon
Room: 126
03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
Edi Subkhan, The Decline of Lecturers’ Critical Consciousness under Neo-Liberal and New Managerialism Regime in Campus
Room: 709 -
Nur Pratiwi, Chemicals and Social Existence
Room: 523 -
Atmaezer Hariara Simanjuntak, Palm Oil Tree Fetish: A Plantation God in the Process of Construction in West Kalimantan
Room: 707 -
Harry Bawono, Adaptation Both Side: When the Gereja Kristen Jawa (GKJ) Multiculturize itself
Room: 707 -
Risa Wardatun Nihayah, Decentralized Education in Indonesia: Spark of Hope from an Innovative District
Room: 709 -
Vissia Ita Yulianto, Modernities and Cultural Values in Minahasans Society
Room: 707 -
Imam Ardhianto, The Parallel and Sequential Emergence of Hierarchy and Egalitarian Socio-Religious Formation: Intra/Inter Denominational Relation among Christian Kenyah in Central Borneo
Room: 707 -
Jessica Peng, Educating Youth for “Development from the Margins”: The Pedagogical Labor Behind Indonesia’s Interconnectivity and Economic Initiatives
Room: 709 -
Suzie Handayani, Dandan: Discourses on Beauty and Social Order among Women in the Academia
Room: 523 -
Sarani Pitor Pakan, Surfing the Ambivalences: Human-Waves Relationship in Mentawai’s Surf Tourism
Room: 524 -
Hestu Prahara, From effective to affective brokers: Rethinking development brokers in the implementation of community development in Indonesia
Room: 522 -
Riska Tahir, Totality in Cosplaying
Room: 523 -
Febi R. Ramadhan, The Conspicuous Face of Punishment: Spectatorship as a Mode of Governance in the Context of Public Caning in Aceh, Indonesia
Room: 522 -
Nastiti Dewanti Basudewa, Remote(ivated) Working; The Quest of The Digital Nomads.
Room: 524 -
Rafadi Hakim, Dialogical Politics: Gendered Subjectivities and Public Speaking in West Timor
Room: 522 -
Imam Setyobudi, Exoticization of Local and Global: Exploitation in West Java Tourism Practice
Room: 524 -
Fatjri Nur Tajuddin, What Education Means to Us? The Perspective of Underdeveloped Region Community in the Context of Formal Education in Jeneponto Regency, Indonesia
Room: 709
08:00 AM - 09:30 AM
Cahyo Pamungkas, Tracing the Root of Violence and Peace Building in Papua
Room: 524 -
Mark Woodward, A Multistage Strategy for Integrating Ethnographic and Qualitative Methods
Room: 707 -
Bambang - Hudayana, Suharko - Suharko, Andreas Budi Widyanta, Communal Violence as A Strategy of Local Communities to Resist the Extractive Mining Operation in Morowali Central Sulawesi
Room: 524 -
Reza Idria, Staging Criminal Bodies: Public Shaming and the Theater of Punishment in Aceh
Room: 522 -
Kiki Koesuma Kristi, Youth Sexuality Eduction: Obscure Diversity in Changes of Era?
Room: 709 -
Annisa Dinda Mawarni, “Is It Necessary to Take Postinor Too?”: The Use of Postinor-2 by Indonesian Youths and The Imagination of Efficacious Contraceptive Method
Room: 523 -
Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Patron-Client Relationship: Between Anthropology and Political Science
Room: 707 -
Frans Rumbrawer, Marginalizing the Papuans, Harvesting Storm of the Nation’s Disintegration
Room: 524 -
Fajriani Amin, Somadril, “Mainannya Perempuan”
Room: 523 -
Muhammad Akbar Alamsyah, Sinte’: Reasons, Self-Control, and Repentance
Room: 523 -
Ann Marie Thornburg, Dog Care Knowledges and Practices in Bali, Indonesia
Room: 522 -
Farhat Hamid, Closing the Gap: Educating Muslim girls to bring about social change- lessons learnt from Indonesia
Room: 709 -
Roberto Rizzo, State education and the funnel effect: Changing dynamics in gamelan music learning
Room: 709 -
Made Supriatma, Interpreting Indonesian Politics
Room: 707 -
Muhaiminatul Ajriani, “Fit on the Body, Fit for the Pocket”: Internal Code, Effect of Chemical Use, and Trial Practices among Youth in Maros, South Sulawesi
Room: 523 -
Julian Patrick Millie, Islamic difference and public recognition in the bureaucratic era
Room: 523 -
Intan Permata Sari, Harmony in Diversity: Conflict Management in the Outer Island of Enggano, Bengkulu
Room: 524
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Yoes C. Kenawas, Performative Acts in Indonesia’s Electoral Democracy
Room: 707 -
Istutiah Gunawan Mitchell, Changing Times and Changing Patterns of Collective Violence in
Room: 524 -
Yustinus Tri Subagya, Exit from Violence: Reconciliation and Peace Making in Indonesia
Room: 524 -
Ibnu Nadzir, Comprehending Intolerance: Reflections on the ‘Uncomfortable’ Research Subjects
Room: 707 -
Iqra Anugrah, Straddling between Different Worlds: Navigating Diverse Fieldwork Modes
Room: 707 -
Al Chaidar Abdurrahman Puteh, Dedy Tabrani, Herdi Sahrasad, Familial Terrorism: An Analysis on Familial Suicide Bombings in Surabaya 2018
Room: 524
01:15 PM - 02:00 PM
Keynote Speech:
Prof. Syed Farid Alatas
Chair : Prof. Heddy Ahimsa-Putra
Room: Auditorium Soegondo
02:00 PM - 02:30 PM
Symposium Resume & Closing Ceremony:
Resume by the Steering Committee, and announcement of the next international symposium of journal Antropologi Indonesia
Room: Auditorium Soegondo

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Contact Person
Ns.Utami Melinda, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep. Kom. (+6283865915754)
Dika Ayu Anggraini (+6285893168097)
Rizky Fadilah (+6282260792890)