UI Conferences

Presentations and Authors

Last name A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

01. Dealing With Diversity in (Digital) Urban Contexts: From Concepts to Engagement

Bandung's School of Peace: An Alternative Space Addressing Interfaith and Minority Groups Through Dialogue and Cooperation
Fanny Syariful Alam
Fostering Inter-Faith Engagement through Civic Crowdfunding in Contemporary Indonesia
Bhirawa Anoraga

02. Mediating Piety: Hadhrami Religious Authority in a Changing Indonesia

Mediating Authority: A Hadrami Sufi Shaykh in Multiple Media
Ismail Fajrie Alatas

03. Disintegration from within? Marginal Groups and the failure of Indonesia as a Common Project

How Development and Conservation Interventions May Both Exacerbate and Mitigate Marginality: Shifting Power Relations on the Lindu Plain, Central Sulawesi
Greg Acciaioli
Development as Exclusion, its Impacts and Community Responses: The Orang Rimba and the Orang Baduy Compared
Dedi Supriadi Adhuri
Political Islam and Citizenship in The Javanese Community
Gutomo Bayu Aji
The Use of Gay Language or Lavender Linguistic in Indonesia: Is it an abuse for Bahasa Indonesia?
Wisnu Adihartono
Analysis of Factors Causing Poverty in Fishing Community in Pajala Village, Maginti Sub-District, West Muna Regency
Akhmad Marhadi, Arman Arman, Samsul Samsul, Raemon Raemon

06. The Use and Abuse of Drinking Culture

You give love a bad name: The degraded meaning of baram among the Dayak of Central Kalimantan
Semiarto Aji Purwanto, Sofyan Ansori

07. Moral Politics of Nationhood: Examining The Politics of Diversity and The Management of Unity

Politics of Othering: Post-Authoritarian State`s Repression on Critical Literacy Activism
Fuad Abdulgani, Ikram Badila
Criminalization of Activists from the Agrarian and Environmental Movement in Indonesia after the New Order
Suraya A. Afiff

08. The Dynamic of the Interaction between the Modern Medical System and the Traditional Medical System

An Ethnographic Study on Maternal & Newborn Health in Dayak Siang-Murung Community: Skilled Midwives’ Working Spirit of ‘Tira Tangka Balang’ and their Collaboration with Traditional Midwives
Rachmalina Soerachman Prasodjo, Setia Pranata, Syarifah Nuraini, M.Gulllit Agung W., Salahudin Muhidin

09. Anthropology and The Recentralization of Natural Resource Policies

The Complexity of Upgrading Community-based Coastal Management in Papua: In search for a Sustainable and Socially Fair Natural Resource Governance in the Changing legal context of Indonesia
Dedi Supriadi Adhuri
Subjectivity and Forest Fires Governance in Indonesia: The Making of Environmental Inmates?
Sofyan Ansori

10. Structuring Diversity: Values, Political-Economic Order and Inter-Societal Relations in an Indonesian Archipelago

Take Care of Promoting Diversity in the City of Jakarta
Lamtiur Hasianna Tampubolon, Murniati Agustian, Tri Warmiyati
The Parallel and Sequential Emergence of Hierarchy and Egalitarian Socio-Religious Formation: Intra/Inter Denominational Relation among Christian Kenyah in Central Borneo
Imam Ardhianto

14. Rethinking the Politics of Difference in Indonesia: Ethnicity, Religion, Class Relations

Interpretasi Remaja Ke Atas Isu Etnik dan Agama Melalui Dokumentari Kisah Tauke Mancis dan Minyak Tumpah (2010)
Mohd. Nor Shahizan Ali, Mohamad Fauzi Sakimi, Novel Lyndon

15. Host, Guest and Stranger: Exoticization and Exploitation at Tourism Indonesian Practice

The Power of World Cultural Heritage: In between Hegemony and Conservation Subak, Bali by Unesco
Masdar Faridl AS, Adi Prasetijo
Host and Middle East Guest Interaction
Aminah Agustinah
Dieng Culture Festival: Repackaging Local Traditions to Strengthen Tourism Image Destinations
Destha Titi Raharjana, Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra, Djoko Wijono, H. Adji Kusworo

17. Oral Tradition in the Discourse of Ethnic, Race, and Religion Diversity

Learning Accompaniment Pattern of Gendang in Gambang Kromong Music using Solfegio Technique for Beginner Learner
Tuti Tarwiyah Adi

18. On The Making of Commodities Under Category: Resource Exploitation

COFFEE AND IDENTITY: Consuming Coffee, Building Identity, Maintaining Variety (Case Study in Palintang Community, Cipanjalu Village, Cilengkrang Sub-district, Bandung District, West Java)
Rahman Latif Alfian

19. Beyond Disciplinary Diversity and Debates in Parallel Universes: Anthropology and Political Science in Conversation

Patron-Client Relationship: Between Anthropology and Political Science
Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra
Straddling between Different Worlds: Navigating Diverse Fieldwork Modes
Iqra Anugrah

21. Youth, Social Life and the Use and Abuse of Chemicals

Sinte’: Reasons, Self-Control, and Repentance
Muhammad Akbar Alamsyah
“Fit on the Body, Fit for the Pocket”: Internal Code, Effect of Chemical Use, and Trial Practices among Youth in Maros, South Sulawesi
Muhaiminatul Ajriani
Somadril, “Mainannya Perempuan”
Fajriani Amin

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