INSympoFest 2018
Faculty of Nursing & Balai Sidang Universitas Indonesia
November 15, 2018 – November 17, 2018
International Nursing Student Symposium and Festival (INSympoFest) is fully aware that nursing students should not only focus on the importance of academic merits, but it also highly supports nursing students’ talents, hence the various competitions are held in this event. This program would like to stimulate nursing students, as our future nurses, to unleash their potentials and to generously share them with the other students regardless of their backgrounds, regions, or nations. This hopes that participants would maintain the spirit of striving and working hand-in-hand to make significant contributions for nursing and the world.
The 3rd International Nursing Student Symposium and Festival 2018 (INSympoFest 2018) is especially created for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing students across Indonesia and beyond and continuously aimed to foster their research, scientific, and art works in nursing.
Conference Information

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Contact Person
Ns.Utami Melinda, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep. Kom. (+6283865915754)
Dika Ayu Anggraini (+6285893168097)
Rizky Fadilah (+6282260792890)