The conference theme is “Economic Research and Policy in The Changing World”. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Global Uncertainty and Micro-Macro Prudential
- Trade, Investment and Economic Integration
- Sustainable Fisheries and Food Security
- Demographic Transition and Labor Market
- Poverty, Inequality, Mobility, and Disparity
- Health Insurance and Social Protection
- Microfinance and Financial Inclusion
- Policy Design and Evaluation
- Innovations and Digital Enhancement
- Good Governance and Corruption
- Energy Security and Policy
- Infrastructure and Renewable Energy Financing
- Tourism and Creative Economy
- Islamic Economics, Zakat, and Waqf
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Contact Person
Ns.Utami Melinda, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.Kep. Kom. (+6283865915754)
Dika Ayu Anggraini (+6285893168097)
Rizky Fadilah (+6282260792890)