UI Conferences


The theme for the 12th International Conference on Business and Management Research ICBMR is "Rethinking Innovation and Human Behavior in Industry 4.0". The term industry 4.0 refers to the latest trend related to automation and data exchange, especially in manufacturing technology. It includes cyber-physical system, Internet of things (IoT), cloud computing and cognitive computing. Industry 4.0 is often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Industry 4.0 replaces traditional work algorithms by providing smarter equipment and manufacturing environments. Digitalization, electronics, automation and mobility will be implemented into systems and workflow management so as to improve productivity and quality. Manufacturing industry 4.0 will not just reduce the cost of human labor but also bring many more benefits including increased productivity, efficiency, quality, accuracy, reduced human error, centralized information, and the management of data flow that allows real time communication between various parties.

This drastic and unpredictable change certainly influences the innovation and human behavior involved in the organization and industry. The superiority of a nation no longer relies only on natural and human resources, but how to manage the available resources, particularly through the four critical components in Industry 4.0 namely: cloud technology, Internet of Things (IoT), smart machines and big data.


With this in mind, the Faculty of Economics and Business, especially the Department Management through its research institute, Management Research Centre, is determined to contribute positively so that Indonesia can transform the challenges that arise into various opportunities that emerge in this era of Industry 4.0. Through this year’s ICBMR, we expect to get various inputs and studies that can provide insights for stakeholders, business actors and for the scientific development in the country.


As a prestigious event, ICBMR is organized with a motivation to provide an excellent international platform for the academicians, researchers and budding students around the world, to share their research findings and to find international linkage for future collaborations in  the areas of Finance, Banking, Capital Market, Islamic Finance, Actuary, International Business, Economics, Marketing, Islamic Marketing, Organization/HRD Management, Strategic Management, Innovation Management, General Management, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, and Management Information Systems. ICBMR also encourage academics to submit cross-disciplinary research in the above areas.

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