The 8th Virtual Biennial International Nursing Conference
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia
November 4, 2022 – November 5, 2022
Nurses is a profession that becomes one unit with health services. Quality health services are highly expected by patients and their families who need services provided with a touch of affection and qualified skills. A nurses is expected to not only be able to provide services when sick but also during the process after illness. The work of nurses needs appreciation and support in improving the health and welfare of the community. Recognition of the existence and existence of nurses is the main material for nurses to be able to have a greater impact on society. Improving self-knowledge skills and nurse skills can be applied in a renewal created in the provision of nursing care. Innovation in the provision of nursing care carried out both in the education area and in the service area aims to improve the care of health services provided. A big challenge for nurses to be able to innovate health services now and in the future. The eighth BINC Committee decided to raise this theme to serve as the theme of the Biennial Conference 2022 virtually.

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