UI Conferences

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Maternal and Women's Health

Maternal and women's health is pregnancy, labour and birth, breast feeding, post-natal period and early parenthood, gynecology, and health care of women throughout the lifespan.

  • Imami Rachmawati, Department of Maternal & Women's Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia
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Newborn and Child Health

Pediatric nursing concept is family centered care, growth and development, communication, atraumatic care and caring, therapeutic play, pain management, childern with infection disease (respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurology, etc), childern with non infection disease (malignancy, surgical, cardiovascular, endocrine disorder, palliative care, childern with special needs, etc), neonatology (prematurity, respiratory problems, Kangaroo Mother Care, developmental care, etc).

  • Nani Nurhaeni, Universitas Indonesia
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Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases

Communicable and noncommunicable diseases is

  • Dessie Wanda, Universitas Indonesia
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Elderly Health

Elderly health is

  • Astuti Nursasi, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
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Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health and wellbeing is

  • Herni Susanti, Universitas Indonesia
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Sexual and Reproductive Health

Sexual and reproductive health is sexually transmitted infections, fertility, family planning and contraception, menopausal and post-menopausal-related problems, sexual and reproductive healthcare.

  • Imami Rachmawati, Department of Maternal & Women's Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Indonesia
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Disaster Risk Management for Health

Disaster risk management is

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Health Education

Health education is

  • Roro Tutik Hariyati, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
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Management and Health Services

Management and Health Services is access and financial support to health care services, evidenced based policy impacting quality of services. This subtopic consist of innovations and reforms in nursing mangement, human resources management, quality and safety of health care, information technology in health care, leadership, and nursing outcome study.

  • Roro Tutik Hariyati, Faculty of Nursing Universitas Indonesia
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