Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2016

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Youth Empowerment In The Poor Community Of Urban Areas
Isbandi Rukminto Adi

Last modified: 2018-08-31


Poverty in Indonesia is one of many problems that has always been discussed since the independence of Indonesia for about seven decades ago. However, the problem is not merely in the poverty itself, but in the way the people who live below the poverty line respond to their condition. Moreover, since the monetary and economic crisis was over, the number of people who live below the poverty line has increased drastically.

Poverty also threatens the youths who live in poverty striken slum areas. This article will describe community service activities that focus on empowering the youth to make them responsible and self-sufficient adults. The activities that have been developed in this article focus on economic empowerment for unemployed youth who live in poor areas in the city of Jakarta. The programmes has been undertaken in slumps area in North Jakarta where more than 2,700  household live below poverty line

Keywords: Poverty, Youth and Community Empowement

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