Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2016

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The Role Of Women’s Environmental Activist In Resolving Environmental Conflicts For Sustainability Of City
Donna Asteria, Agus Brotosusilo, I Wayan Agus Apriana

Last modified: 2018-08-31


Climate change and unplanned urban development has led to environmental degradation until the occurrence of environmental disasters, either ecological damage, flooding, landslides, and the spread of disease. The environmental  degradation also leads to limited natural resources for the community that caused  the environmental  conflict in an urban area. For resolving environmental conflict needed  citizens's role in activities of  environmental communication. In an effort to strengthen the community,  in order to realize the environmental security, environmental communication intervention is required  in the management of the environment  with community-based. This study aims to identify pattern of the environmental communication activities by women activists in resolving environmental conflicts caused by  environmental problems. Novelty in this study is the integration of civic education and communication environment in gender perspective for sustainable environmental management. This study conducted by the mix method, combining quantitative and qualitative approaches in research procedures performed. The research location in Jakarta and Kota Tasikmalaya. The data collection  by using survey,  the literature review, observation, and in-depth interviews. Respondent selection technique is purposive, with the criteria of the respondents are female citizen who became an environmental activist in urban areas. The result of this study is the women  who become environmental activists have important role in  mediation and environmental awareness activities  in environmental conflict resolution. To optimize the role of women activists needed contributions from local governments, NGOs and stakeholders to support the empowerment and ease of access for citizens participation of women. Contribution of women’s environmental activists to motivate people to care for the environment is very important in supporting the achievement of sustainable development, in particular the sustainability of  city.

Keywords: role of women’s environmental activist, environmental communication, environmental conflicts management, gender perspective, sustainability of city

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