Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2016

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Factors Affecting Smoothness/Not Smoothness Financial Services Cooperative In Revolving Fund Returns In The Urban Village Community Economic Empowerment Program
Ety Rahayu, Isbandi Rukminto Adi

Last modified: 2018-08-31


The Urban Village Community Economic Empowerment Program (PEMK) is one of the poverty reduction program for low-income people who have micro and small enterprises in Jakarta. The program is expected to enhance the entrepreneurial capacity, improve the economy and create new jobs for the community. The program is expected to improve the welfare of the community. The program is implemented by the Revolving Fund Management Unit (Unit Pengelola Dana Bergulir) in partnership with the Financial Services Coperative (Koperasi Jasa Keuangan) in each village. Along the way, there Financial Services Cooperative  smooth, but more are not fluent in the return of the fund. This study aims to determine the factors that cause the smooth or not smooth Financial Services Cooperative in the return of the fund. The research was conducted in two Cooperative Financial Services, which one is Lagoa as smooth and which one is Kelapa Gading Barat as not smooth. The results showed that many factors are to blame, which can be grouped into social capital, financial capital and human capital. Factors that support the smooth return of the revolving fund among other beneficiaries of trying to maintain the confidence of executives / managers (social capital), their capital from fund members' savings (financial capital), and administrators / managers have the educational background and experience to support (human capital). The factors that cause not smooth in refunds revolving include the inability of administrators / managers in managing the revolving funds (human capital), chairman of the group of misusing a refund of members (social capital), the absence of capital from members' savings (financial capital).

Keywords: poverty, economic empowerment, community welfare, cooperative, microfinance

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