Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2016

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Determinants Gender Gap In Education And Employment In Indonesia 2014
Fitri Catur Lestari

Last modified: 2018-08-31


Indonesia is one country with relatively high gender inequality . Based on the Gender Gap Index, puts Indonesia at 97th place among 142 countries in the world . When seen progress from year to year , it was in 2014, Indonesia suffered a setback , because Indonesia had previously been at 90 in 2011 and 92 in 2008 (World Economic Forum , 2011) . If the review is based components used to build the index , the gender gap that occurred in the components of economic opportunity and participation , which peaked at 108 in 2014. Meanwhile , the gender gap in school enrollment in Indonesia are quite good , namely the position 78. Even thus , given the importance of education for the population, particularly girls , despite a relatively good position , the gender gap in this component still need attentionThe first objective of this study was to determine the condition of the gender gap in education and employment in Indonesia . The second objective is to determine the average impact of the old school , the unemployment rate and the level of urbanization on gender inequality in Indonesia in the field of education and employment .The data used is secondary data is data Susenas BPS . Descriptive analysis is used to describe the condition of the gender gap in Indonesia and inferential analysis in the form of path analysis is used to determine the direct and indirect influence of the average length of the school , the unemployment rate and the level of urbanization on gender inequality in Indonesia in the field of education and employment .This research resulted in several important conclusions that generally does not happen the gender gap in education . There is a direct effect of urbanization rate and the unemployment rate of the gender gap in education and employment.

Keywords : Gender , Urbanization , Unemployment , Average Length of School , Path Analysis.

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