Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2016

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The Roles of Tour Guide as Broker in Tourism Industrial Network (The Influence of Communication Capital in Forming Structural Holes in Communication Network)
Agustinus Rusdianto Berto

Last modified: 2018-08-31


Tour guide as one of the brokers in the tourism industry, has an important role in controlling the flow of tourisminformation to form a structural holes in communication network. Therefore, a professional tour guide needs tomaximize all of the potential of existing resources or capital, whether he/she owned or not, especially thecommunications capital. This paper aims to determine the influence of the use of communication capital informing structural holes of the communication network. The causal relationship will be developed into a newmodel of analysis that connect the existing concepts as the forming elements of communication capital, as well asthe influence of the new model in the structural holes theory. Data collected from a literature review in theframework of the theory, methods, and analysis of communication networks. The conclusion is drawn into a formof path analysis model that puts the financial capital, human capital, social capital, and communication capital asindependent/exogenous variables that influence the structural holes as dependent/endogenous variable. With thisnew model created to help tour guides to manage the tourism product information when they fill positions in thestructural holes in their organization. Yet this model needs to be tested further in subsequent research.

Keywords: brokers, tourism industry, structural holes, communication networks, communication capital

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