Universitas Indonesia Conferences, International Conference on Social and Political Issues (ICSPI) 2016

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Religious Tolerance Values
Evelyn Suleeman

Last modified: 2018-08-31


Officially the Government of Indonesia recognized only six religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Protestantism, Catholicism, and Confucianism) among hundreds of local beliefs. The relationship between these religious groups in Indonesia since colonial times until the reform era sometimes shows more conflictual than harmonious relationships, both at the local or national level.

Several agencies have conducted studies of religious life in Indonesia, but none of them has examined how the role of significant others in shaping religious values. This study will examine the role of significant others (father, mother, church, religious teacher as well as close friends) in the Christian high schools in terms of socializing the students to be tolerant or intolerant toward people of other faiths.

The data for this study was taken from 2014 survey conducted among students in the 10th and 11th grades from nineteen Christian High Schools in eighteen cities throughout the country. The purpose of the survey is to see how the church, father, mother, religious teacher, as well as close friends influence these students to be tolerant or intolerant.

Tolerance in this survey is measured in four interconnected aspects: knowledge, attitude, motivation, and practices, respectively in 14 different types of relationship (be acquainted with, be friend, to be helped, help others, listen to, to respect the beliefs of other religion, cooperate, share, congratulate other religious holidays, visiting the sick, pray those in trouble, be close friend, be engaged, further more get married) with people from different faith.

This paper discussed only the part of values of tolerant or intolerant socialized by father and mother to these students.


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