Last modified: 2018-08-31
Communication Family Forum of Children With Disability or shortened by FKKADK is a forum for families who have children with disability, either physical disability, mental disability, or multiple disabilities. FKKADK as a form of implemantation of the Children Welfare Program With Disability (PKSADK) is a social institution that has primary function as a means of developmental therapy for children with disability. The presence of FKKADK is one form of awareness and hopefulness for families who have children with disability in order to encourage the role and public participation in the achievement of children rights with disability to healthy life, growing, growing like normal children, and accepted in society. This study aims to determine the extent of the role FKKADK in providing therapy services and giving parenting knowledge for families who have children with disability. The social practices and social values in therapy services and giving parenting knowledge were analyzed through theoretical of habitus theory by Pierre Bourdieu. This research was conducted at FKKADK Large Aceh NAD, and some families of children with disability who live in the region of large Aceh NAD. This qualitative study used case study as its approach. Data collecting techniques were done by observation, fGD (Focus Group Discussion), and interview. Data analysis technique was done through interpretative analysis. The results showed that the presence of FKKADK has changed the awareness, perceptions, attitudes, and behavior conducive of families in providing care and treatment. Parents become more active in interacting with children, encourage children to interact with their surroundings and pay attention to their behavior. Giving food intake according to the needs of the child, teach them how to eat well, how to bathe, and how to dress. Furthermore, therapy services such as physiotherapy, wheelchairs, hearing aids, and so on has been a positive impact on child development.
Keywords: FKKADK, Therapy Services, Knowledge Parenting, Family, ADK